
Should calum best really test himself and try to go 50 days without s*x AND without water and food?

by  |  earlier

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and should anyone who watches the show be sterilised in the interests of the british gene pool?




  1. i have no idea what show this is

    so im glad i dont have to be sterilised :)

    however, i dont understand how calum best gets any in the first place..

  2. I'd like to see him go 50 days in Prison with a bunch of crazed g*y inmates, i think that might put him off the old s*x thing for a while.

    ...but then again this is Calum best we're talking about.

  3. We got senior citizens in this country that could beat that record...

  4. No one can go more than a week without water.  Anyone claiming to do so is a liar.

  5. can I add 'oxygen' to your list...?

  6. i think roadhunter missed the point but medium dave appears to want to up the stakes.surely tho. this isn`t that difficult all he has to do is get paired up with jade goody (you wouldn`t tho. would you?even after 50 days?)

  7. Yes and all of the above, and I would add string him high over the Thames, a la David Blane ~ then we could watch the decomposing result!

    (lol @ the answers)

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