
Should cars have speed limiters on them, electronic or mechanical?

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There is absolutely no reason a car should be able to go over 75 MPH. Is there? What road in the USA is a car allowed to go over 75 MPH ?




  1. I don't think any cars have speed limiters. A lot of cars have rpm limiters to protect your engine. A V6 in particular needs an rpm limiter.

    a speed limiter would allow you to go whatever it was set at in any gear. That could get a lot of rpm in 2nd or 1st.

  2. The speedway. Most people have cars that can run about 16 seconds at 80mph and some of us are hoping to break 14 seconds at around 100hp in the not too distant future.

    There is no need for limiters. Anyone who is seriously into going fast (25+ over) would likely either remove or otherwise bypass the limiter or would pay someone else to do it.

    Maybe we should lock steering wheels so people can't turn without turning on their turn signals? Maybe we should wire people's seat belts so that if they don't wear them the ignition would be cut. Maybe we should install roll cages and 6 point racing seatbelts on all cars. Maybe we should make our interiors out of pillows and make big soft bumpers that stick out 3 feet on all sides of the car. Maybe we should limit cars to 10mph in reverse. Maybe we should install autopiloting systems on all our cars. Maybe we should be legally required by law to wear helmets when riding in our cars. Maybe we should be legally required to wear racing suits when riding in cars. Maybe we should legally be required to put duct tape over everyone in the car's mouth so they can't distract the driver. Maybe we shouldn't let people have CD players in their cars.

    Doesn't that sound completely stupid to you? Restricting things is never the answer. Do you know about the last time alcohol was illegal in America? I'll give you a hint: scarface.

    If people cannot be responsible with a car they shouldn't have it. No amount of fancy restricting devices is going to change anything.

  3. Actually as an option, a brand new Silverado has a limiter at 75.

    But I hear that there are some roads in Montana that have an 80mph limit.  

  4. Many cars already have them and a lot of them will not allow you to go over 85 miles per hour.

  5. Many cars have speed limiters, but they are based on the tire ratings from the factory. German cars(besides sports cars) are all limited to 155 MPH because of an agreement between the companies.

    I also have no problem with a car going above 75MPH. Especially if it's been designed to go much faster than that(in a high level Benz 130 is like 65 in a Civic).  

  6. Cars do have speed limiters on them, but not at 75MPH most are just over 100MPH, because the tires are not made to handle high speeds on most cars.  Sports cars are closer to 125MPH, I've heard different numbers, not really sure which I believe.

    EDIT I should rephrase that, it's not the tires that limit the speed, the car will shut off at that speed BECAUSE of the tires that were installed at the factory not being rated any higher.  What shuts the car off is called a rev limiter.

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