
Should celebrities work for endorsements and advertisements on public concern?

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this is for a debate. so who all are against it?




  1. They do care about the bennies that is.

  2. I think if they are making public service announcements, they should do it out of their free will, and not get paid.

  3. I think they should if they believe in it.

  4. Yes, only if they openly speak out against violence again women, oppression, racism, and poverty.

  5. I don't think most of them really care, so I'm against it.

  6. Sure, they are in a business and get paid on their "q-rating". As someone Nunya said, you shouldn't believe in something just because a famous person is endorsing or promoting something. The cause or company is using the famous person to draw attention and make people their product or cause. Its our job as the public to investigate further to see if whatever the famous person is endorsing is worthy.

  7. It is their first amendment right to freedom of speech even if I don't like what they say.  Most celebrities are liberal hypocrites anyway and they have the right to be stupid.

  8. ONly if the celebrity truely believes what he is supporting.. and not into it for the $$$$$$

  9. If it's for free.. why not.. but to use our taxes.. its something that i dont want.

  10. of course, who doesn't? If it's something worth fixing i'd approach the person who i goofed in front of if not..i jus take it in stride and never let em see you sweat.

  11. I'm not really concerned about whether they do it.  However, I think it's ludicrous for people to believe a product is good just because someone famous says it is.  If your next door neighbor's opinion is not going to influence your buying power, neither should some celeb you've never met.

  12. I find it annoying.   Just because you are good looking or some actor or something does not mean that you know diddley squat.    Especially actors who play heroic characters, it is stupid to confuse them with real people.  They aren't.

  13. I agree with the first answerer.  They should only do it if they actually believe in and have a passion for the cause.  Some of them clearly seem to do it for the publicity and whatever else is in it for them.

  14. they counld care less .it is just 4 money

  15. I dont care if theyre in it for the money, at least it's something worthwhile for them to do for a change. Rather than mime to boring songs on the back of, often someone else's, fame. Or wooden acting.

    Take note Ashley Simpson, Solange Knowles and Jamie Lynn Spears!

  16. Yes they should work for endorsements, advertisements on public interest matters. It would help, influence a lot of people. The should guide properly in this manner. It is their duty to the society from which they got so much of fame, name, money.

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