
Should cheerleading be a part of the Olympics? Does any other country have cheerleaders besides the US?

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if not, maybe we could win the gold, silver and bronze since there are so many of them in the united states. Cheerleading seems a bit like gymnastics.




  1. We do have cheerleaders in the UK, but really not many and to be honest they're not really up to the same standard as in the US because so few people do it.

    I'd say it was probably a bit too much like gymnastics to put it in the Olympics, and i'm not sure how many other countries have cheerleaders.

    Hmm, but thinking about it... team competition or individual?? or both? lol


  2. Lots of places have cheerleading.

    but no, cheerleading should not be in the Olympics.

  3. Yes we do in Rugby League here in Australia, but its not as big time as the States..No it wouldn't make it as an Olympic Sport purely because not enough other countries have a cheerleading scene. I have seen some cheerleading and it looks like an extreme sport that requires a lot of fitness etc. would definitely be good to watch:)

  4. Umm nooo...

  5. Since the New England Patriots cheerleading squad came to Beijing to teach young Chinese girls how to cheerlead; China has cheerleaders.

  6. No and No.

    No other country is so bereft of sporting passion that we need cheerleaders to get excited about our sportspeople.

    Rugby league has dancing girls not cheerleaders. Certainly not male cheerleaders either - it just not in the same league

  7. are you kidding!? (not about cheerleading being in the olympics but about america being the only country with cheerleading)  

    No youre not the only country with cheerleading, Canada has cheerleading, even countries over seas that you wouldnt think had cheerleading teams have them, so dont count on it

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