Imagine a man with whom you are sexually active but not planning to have a child with is a skilled amateur gynecologist and is able to procure one of your eggs without your knowledge (don't ask me about the gross details of such a procedure; let's keep this in the hypothetical). Suppose then that he manages, also without your knowledge, to acquire a surrogate mother to donate her womb and inseminates the egg with his own sperm, thus producing a child that's biologically yours without your knowledge or input. Should he be able to sue you for child support?
In this situation, have you "given away your reproductive rights" by being sexually active with him in the first place? If you are sexually active with someone, should you be ready to raise a child at any time, even if you have not agreed to have one and the child is brought to maturity without your knowledge or input? Or should responsibility for a child be confined to those who wished and endeavored to bring it into existence?