
Should children aged 2-10 be taught to put deodorant each day?

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After their baths, as part of basic good hygiene habits?




  1. a 2 year old?? come on?! For one they shouldnt need it at that age, and for 2 their skin is probably too sensitive for it and can cause them to break out. Just keep your kids bathed and clean and they shouldnt need to vvear it.

  2. no. deodorant is not needed until the about 10 or 11. they dont need it when they are so little.

  3. No! Not 2, anyway! Small children do not usually get BO. As long as they bathe or shower regularly, they do not need deodorant!

  4. Nope, not till they start having under arm odor.

  5. No, that is silly.  Around the age of 10 or 11, most kids need to start using deodorant to help control body odor.  It's likely that you will need to remind them to use it daily, at least for a while until it becomes a habit.  Why in the world would you teach a 2 year old to put on deodorant?

  6. Sure, what harm could teaching them to be odor conscious cause.

  7. noo. like at 10 - 12 they should start using it.

  8. No, they don't need deodorant that early. Maybe when they are 10 if they are starting into puberty but for sure not before that.

  9. Children especially younger children do not really produce a lot of sweat for there to be a need to give them deodorant. They should be bathed instead.

    Although my little boy wants to put some on when he sees his dad so he pretends to put some on and it makes him feel like a 'big boy' the same with little girls wanting to put on their mums make up and high heels at a young age

  10. No, for small children deoderant may damage the skin.  Besides unless there is a medical condition children don't need deoderants until they reach puberty.

  11. No... deodorant should not be used until they start going through puberty. You can teach them that habit then. It is bad for their skin now.

  12. no they don't need it.  Use of deodorant shouldn't begin till adolescence.

  13. I don't think you should start at age 2, but I think I started at age 8 with my son because they have gym at school and they sweat a lot. He would end up stinking really bad. I think my daughter started using deodorant when she started 6th grade.

  14. Are you high???


    They should use antiperspirant once it becomes AFTER puberty begins...

    Even then...unless the child is stanky gross offensively smelly...I wouldn't even push it you know how many nasty chemicals are in antiperspirant and deodorants??

  15. Not unless they need it. My daughter started using it around 6 because she honestly had BO. I did not believe my husband until I smelled it and it was strong. I asked my doctor and she said a person can have BO before puberty it just depends on the person. I figured better for her to use deodorant early than to be the stinky kid. And she does bathe, it was not due to that. Sweat stinks, is how my doctor put it and even a child's can stink. She just used a little travel size one, one little swipe every morning.

    My doctor also said a child's body begins changing a few years before puberty sign show up. It is a slow process over time. Not just overnight it may seem that way to a parent but medically your body changes over the course of a few years and more. And she was right my daughter is 9.5 and in puberty, I was early as well.

    I think it should be addressed if they smell, I work as an EA and I cant tell you the number of kids who literally have BO, very strong. There are some teachers who have the school nurse come in and talk to the class as a whole because hygiene is not being taught at home. And the kids once they are in older grades are mean and just outright tell them you stink. So I think it is better to be a little over cautious than to let your child smell and be teased.

    Edit: I do not know how some people can say children do not sweat, my kids play sports and dance and trust me they sweat! Even at kindergarten age they sweat, have you ever gone into a classroom in the heat of May/June or August, it could knock you over at any grade LOL It is not just adults or teens who sweat.

  16. no

  17. No, kids don't need it and shouldn't be using it. It's when they start going through adolescence and start actually sweating that kids should be introduced to using deoderant.

  18. I say teach them when they start smelling.

  19. No.

  20. No, children that age shouldn't need deodorant.  If yours does, you should see the doctor.

  21. no that is only for teens!

    definitely not a 2 year old

  22. My oldest is 4 and even though he runs around non-stop in the summer, he doesn't he doesn't need deodorant.  However, I have an 8 year old nephew who HAS to use it.  Otherwise, no one else can stand to be around him. LOL  Just depends on the kid, I guess.

  23. No. 10 is probably a better age but not 2 to 9 I believe its too young and at that age it doesn't really matter.

  24. Not 2 year olds -- too little and they still kind of have baby skin. Some 9 and 10 year olds might need some though.

  25. If they need it, yes.  But if they don't, just wait until they do need it or are older.  It's not too hard of a habit to get into.

  26. Absolutley not. When they start to smell, tell them.

  27. no but they should be taught like by about 8 or 9

  28. Did you have a brain tumor for breakfast?

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