
Should children be political activists?

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It's bad enough we have adults that don't understand the concepts behind global warming or other political issues, now we have actual children being fed propaganda and being used as a tool to speak out on specific issues.

What's next? Infants with political bumper stickers on them?

Vote Mitt Romney in 08 because baby Jessica said so.

Frankly, anyone who can't name a supreme court justice shouldn't have the right to vote. You need to know what the (expletive deleted) you are voting for.

Children shouldn't be propagandized with religious or political indoctrination. Let them choose what they want to be as adults.

Children should be completely unconcerned with the political world, and they should be concerned with making friends and having fun. Let the adults solve adult problems.

Next: Pro-gun groups use child to advocate guns; Anti-gun group uses child to advocate more gun restrictions.

What's your opinion?




  1. ahhh...they are so cute...they must be right.  A child can be an activist, that is their right.  People and kids can support any cause they want, but that doesn't mean that I will give their cause any credibility.

  2. Here's a guiding star  with an old saying "Children are to be seen and not to be heard" which does not change with time but stays in time for the good of mankind.

    Luke 21.33.

    Look around at the mess with living examples in Iraq and all the hot spots out there.

    Were not even aware of getting themselves kick on the butts .

    But want to mess up the dirty old men out there.

    Should learn how to accumulate as much salt before trying to mess up with the dirty old men.

    What good is  cheap-skate ghostly paper qualification that could not even solve the mess out there?

    What is the missing link inside them do not even know.

  3. I disagreee with you to a degree. Children are being taught what is going to affect their world when they grow up in schools today. The earlier they start political activism, the better off they are. They also learn government and names of the people in the Executive Branch and the Supreme Court.

    Have you ever heard that old adage, ' Knowledge is power'?

    I have always believed that.

    We have a whole generation or two of people who couldn't care less about what our government is doing to them. They're too involved with worrying about no-names and movie stars. They couldn't care less about phoning or emailing their Senators and Representatives.

  4. Yes, I agree .They should not be political activists nor follow any religion.

  5. I think we naturally send our children the message to follow in our footsteps in terms of religion and politics.  I do believe in giving kids as much objective information as  I can, however, there are a lot of parents who do not believe that way.

    I also think conservation should be taught from an early age.  The youngest generations are going to have to start really facing the reality of this planet.

  6. Children should not be dragged into political matters against their will.

    That being said, I think parents should discuss (neutrally, if that still possible in the country) political issues with their children, and allow the children to form their own opinions. And children should not be prevented from being politically active if they want to be,

  7. For Made in  USA - The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child defines "child" as every human being below the age of 18; so, yes, a 14 year old is a child.

    On your question about children being political activists - Children have the right to engage in processes of change especially on matters that affect them. They have the right to express their ideas and opinions... to have their voices heard.

    Provided the children have the right information/capacity, the proper support from the adults around them, and the desire to participate in raising people's (including other children's) awareness on the need to protect our environment, I do not see why they shouldn't be involved.

    Regarding your concern about children being used by adults for propaganda, I think this is possible and that this is happening. That is why adults who are working with children have to be careful about how they are doing this and should make sure that they are guided by the principles of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

    Children should be given information that is correct (not misleading) and appropriate according to their evolving capacities. They should not be forced to be involved. if they decide to be involved, they should be protected; and appropriate support from adults around them should be made available.

  8. Libs kill me, free thinking, yea right.  The global warming Youtube bit was discusting.  Young kids with Dad sitting right there, the out take would have been "See Dad I said it just like you wanted."

    Religion, regardless of your faith or not, religion should be taught in school along with various scientific theories.  Free thinking should mean our children are provided with unbaised information and are allowed to make up their own minds.  Like or not religion has and continues to shape our world, understanding various religions will help our next leaders better understand how to interact with the rest of the world.

    They dislike government meddling in their affairs but want the government to provide them with everthing.  Health care, social security, etc......  Go live with your parents.

    Social security, how un-American is that?  2.4% return on your hard earned money and all you have to show for it is an IOU, payout date that keeps moving out if it is there at all.  Give us the freedom to invest our own money.  A savings account will provide you with 5% if you want safe.

    Abortion.  How is an unborn child different then someone in intesive care?  Unborn children have a beating heart within weeks of conception, react to hot/cold, sound and light.  If anything they are more "human" then someone in intesive care because they can live naturally.  Life at all stages should be valued and protected.

    Ok I'll stop here......

  9. I agree 100%. Kids are used for propaganda all over the place and they definitely should not be.

    Those who have an interest in politics though, by all means should follow it. But using kids to further political agendas is not an honorable thing.

    In my mind its about as bad as using death to further political agendas. Like after the VT shootings, there were the usual liberal gun control nuts within 12 hours ranting about how we need more gun control. Its sickening. None of them even took the time to think and digest what had happened. They just jumped at the first chance they got to use their knee-jerk reactionary arguments.

    If a young person believes in something and is interested in politics, more power to them. But when adults use them and force them to read propaganda in front of cameras, thats wrong.

  10. Good to feed.


  11. The sooner children get involved with the process the better- they will be better equipped to take over from the c**p that is going on now.

  12. "Children shouldn't be propagandized with religious or political indoctrination. Let them choose what they want to be as adults.

    Children should be completely unconcerned with the political world, and they should be concerned with making friends and having fun. Let the adults solve adult problems."

    I agree with your statement to the fullest... Though the adults can't even seem to solve the problems. But, I was a child a few years ago and remember having STRONG political feelings.

    I feel it is important that if a child is in fact interested in something, it is our job to educate them with all of the facts. Then let them decide for themselves where they stand.

  13. Does 14 count as a child? I figure you mean more like little child not teenagers..

    Anyways I just started to like politics like last year, because I get bored and just look at the news.

    I can't wait to vote though!

  14. I think it is important that children should have a political awareness.

    But that should not be an activist agenda

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