
Should children get paid to study?

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use the time that you need to do chores for eg.1 hour to do chores in stead use the time to study




  1. No

  2. hella yes!

    it takes me all night long

    and sometimes i get an f haha

  3. Of course children should be paid to study.  An education is their career so they should probably be compensated for the time invested in achieving in a career.

    Of course if children are receiving salaries to study they should also pay rent.  They should also make financial arrangements to cover their consumption of food and me for close and transportation.

    My kids get paid to study they are allowed to stay the big house and they're fed quite well.

  4. As an typical dorky asian girl, I would have to say no, because that's kinda overjustification. But then again, most children weren't raised the same way I was.

    The only payment for studying children should get are privileges. When money is involved, they think that the only thing they'll be missing if they fail is extra cash.

    Buying something for them when they get good grades is probably a better idea. It's kinda like getting something for free versus getting a rebate.

    Promise them something they really want for reaching a short term goal (straight As this semester), rather than tell them that they get 50 dollars if they get good grades.

  5. I think children should get privileges for studying like tv, and then get payed for a good report card.  cause if you think about it, paying for chores teaches them to hold a job, and with school they have to learn to want it and work for it.

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