
Should college and NFL teams outlaw hair outside the helmet?

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I say yes.




  1. I say no. It isn't a problem.

  2. I think that is up to the wearer but, if they wear their hair outside of the helmet it should be considered part of the uniform and fair game to be used to pull a person down with if they carry the ball... for any reason i.e. fumble recovery, running back etc.

  3. These are grown men, not high school players.

  4. no let them do what they want

  5. No, let them wear it long. And it is considered a part of the uniform, fair game for making a tackle.

  6. NO! this is getting too personal.

    this is a choice that, the players, as adults, should make.

    the fashion police with, keeping the jerseys in the pants, are bad enough.

    if You pull a guy down by the hair, You are probably committing a horse collar tackle, anyway.

  7. No. This is America and these are grown men. It is not a problem. It amazes me that there is always somebody who wants someone else to change something about themselves to suit THEM. Let these guys wear their hair however they want, sit back, shut up and enjoy the game. Besides, there's only a small minority of NFL players who actually have hair long enough to extend outside of their helmets.

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