
Should companies be able to be sued for having all their employees be of one race?

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If they do business in an area that is very diversified?

For example, if you walk into a downtown mcdonalds in a major american city and find that all 15 workers working there are hispanic. Seems to me, was there not a time in this country not so long ago when a company faced lawsuits for even appearing to discriminate in their hiring?

Now I drive around, I see clear evidence that certain companies and certain jobs are given only to hispanics. whatever happened to our country.

My question is not about hating hispanics, but rather about the idea that used to exist in our country that we wanted fair treatment of all citizens and did not want discrimination to occur. Now its rubbed in our faces .....and no one seems to care.




  1. You must also show that the pattern in employment is a matter of company policy and not the result of the demographics in the work force or realistic job requirements.  That is you must show that  equally or more qualified people of another group has been rejected for employment  on a regular basis. A company may legally reject white teenagers in favor  of adult Hispanics claiming that teens are not equally responsible employees, which is probably responsible for the pattern you see at  some McDonald's.

  2. Someone should look into it.

    But like you said they are not white so it will be ignored

    no requirement to even attempt to learn English or anything?

    How can a non English speaking hispanic be more qualified than a white teenager?

    Everyone has to start somewhere and people are saying that its okay the teens cant get in to work at McDonald's?

    Someone should definitely be looking into this

    I'm not sure if suing is the right way to go......but if it were white people doing it they probably would be sued so why not.......yeah they should be sued!

  3. Unfortunately, it happens here too (Houston).  There are some jobs, like the ones you mentioned, where speaking Spanish is required, but speaking English is just reccomended.  I have been in restaurants and gas stations where the waiter/clerk doesn't speak English.  You have to remember, that in this culture Dems have nourished, the only people who can be racist are white people.  Any other group can do anything, practice any method of hiring/business, and they are fine - it is only us who must suffer.  I know several people who have applied for jobs at local gas stations, and they never get hired.  Guess what - I can't remember the last time I saw a white person working at a gas station anywhere near me.

  4. Cheap labor

  5. There is a rule about hiring procedures that does proscribe certain amounts of minorities to be hired, yes, but there is NO rule proscribing what kinds of job and where they have to work.  So a chain like McDonalds which works a lot on franchising, cannot be required to have x-amount fo blacks or hispanics in one particular area.  If you look at the total picture, then the distribution of the races at McDonalds fulfils the government's requirements...

  6. yes...sued under the Federal Bias statutes..

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