
Should companies be fined for not hiering enough women?

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yah catholic that question would make total sense if that would be the case, wouldnt it ?




  1. Only if it is found that they are not hiring them for the soul reason of them being women.

  2. no! companies hire whoever is qualify (in most cases is men)

  3. NO! any imposed quota only hurts us a nation. Only those who are best qualified for the job should get the job. Hiring employees should be done blind to race or s*x.

  4. Do you believe in equal rights for women?  If your answer is "Yes", do you feel that companies should be fined who do not hire enough men?  What about companies that hire nurses?  Teachers?  Receptionists?  Dental Hygienists?  Accountants?  Payroll clerks?  Pharmacy assistants?  Billing department workers?  Cashiers?  Bank tellers?  Secretaries?  Airline attendants?  If we made a law that made it illegal for companies to hire either s*x at more than 50% of all positions in these specific jobs,  how many women would lose their jobs and be unable to get another one because of all the women put out of work and then were unable and unwilling to fill the jobs that men normally take and normally fill at 90% - 100% or higher, like auto mechanic, TV repair, air conditioning and heating repair, computer programming, construction, mechanical engineering, telephone systems repair, airplane pilots, taxi drivers, motorcycle repair, electrician, plumbing, police, firemen, etc?

    By the way, if you would like a good job and the idea of making more money than a man of equal qualifications intrigues you, I suggest you get a copy of the book, "Why Men Earn More:  The Startling Truth Behind the Pay Gap - and What Women Can Do About It" by Warren Farrell, Ph.D.  On page 15, there's a table that gives a list of 29 occupations requiring specific bachelor's degrees in which women have often received starting offers greater than men's.  On page 17, there's a list of 26 occupations leading to the same result without regard to college major.

    This, of course, is because of affirmative action and because of the dearth of women in these fields.  So quit whining, do your homework, and get to work.  There are plenty of career fields these days clamoring to hire more women and are willing to pay decent money for them.  The only question is whether you're willing to do the work necessary to qualify for and keep one of these jobs.  Most women are not.

    P.S.  Do you think companies should be fined who offer women college graduates higher starting salaries than they do men college graduates?  Should it be against the law?  Don't worry.  Those were rhetorical questions.  I'm pretty sure I know what your answers to both would be.

    To Catholicmistake:  I believe that it is rare for a woman to ever be hired over a man because they do a better job than a man.  In far and away most instances, I believe that when women are hired over men, it's mostly because of discrimination where women are predominantly expected to do a specific job (like receptionist or secretary) or because women are willing to do the same job for less money than a man would, because they're good-looking and the man doing the hiring prefers eye candy, or because they are trying to fill positions with women simply because they personally prefer women and as a result, are ignoring job education and experience.

  5. If a company hires  women who are less qualified just to meet a quota, they will pay the price anyways.  Damned if they do, damned it they don't.

    Should they be fined? No.

  6. Hitchhiker: perhaps he can't get a job and he's mad at a woman for getting it, eh?

    You know, women ARE hired for being better qualified. : )

  7. they should be fined for not hiring enough hula dancers for all I care.  Cant get a job and your blaming it on beng a woman huh? Lame.

    Edit: Yep, like I said.  s*x dont matter on the job.  If you cant get a job along everybody else, you come up with excuses.

  8. no

    companies punish themselves when they don't hire the best employee for the job.

  9. Yes.

  10. No they should be alloweed the freedom to hire who they want.

  11. No. They should be fined if they are purposely not hiering women just because they don't like them. Same goes for men.

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