
Should condoms be advertised on TV?

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There was a debate on 'The Wright Stuff' about this this morning.

I don't see why not maybe after 6 & especially in ad breaks of 'teen shows' (Hollyoaks?)

One woman called in and said no because young kids shouldn't see that - & hers always ask what everything they see on TV is . . .

I don't agree - I doubt they pay much attention to various "feminine hygeine" ads and in any case if condoms were strategically advertised between targetted shows, young kids wouldn't be watching anyway right?

What do you think?




  1. Condoms have indeed been advertised on telly, and still are.

  2. I remember seeing commercials for trojan condoms way back in my younger years. I knew what they were for and thusly, didn't ask my parents. I can't speak for every single child out there, because I'm sure some kids will want to know, but to me, it sounds like that woman is trying to avoid talking about s*x with her children.

    I don't see a problem with it at all. definitely don't place those commercials during episodes of dora the explorer, but please do during scenes of hannah montana and iCarly. children are having s*x at a younger age now, and we're stupid to think otherwise. and if parents, like the mom that you mentioned, are becoming too chicken to talk about s*x with their children BEFORE they have it, then they NEED commercials like these to approach the topic.

    besides, even a really horrible parent can say "I'm not going to tell you until you're older."

    and if they can advertise the nuva ring, meridian (is that the name of the IUD?), the patch, and YAZ, then WHY can't they advertise trojans? c'mon now!

  3. Of course they should.

  4. Condoms > pregnancy.

  5. Yes, at the appropriate times.

    I would not expect to see a Durex ad on CITV for example.

  6. Everybody knows what it is so its pretty pointless.

  7. If it prevents another unwanted baby from coming into this World then, yes.

  8. I wouldn't have a problem with it. As you say kids see ads for feminine hygiene products and it's not an issue - I know my kids have seen them, but they never ask what it's about. And advertisers pick their slots carefully, they're hardly going to show them at 4pm now are they, the ads at that time of day are all toys, food etc.

    Edit: Lol at AZ, you sound just like my husband!

  9. Just try it and every religious minority in the country will throw their arms up in Horror.

  10. No amount of advertising is going to make people (not just teenagers) use condoms

    I'm aware of the dangers of smoking (yup I've seen adverts) and I still smoke

    I'm aware of the dangers of drinking (I've seen that ad too!!) yet I still drink

  11. They are advertised here in Spain in the middle of the children´s cartoons.

    The Spanish couldn´t care less about stuff like that.

    My son remains untraumatised.

    (You have twelve hours and fifteen minutes to get the job done or I lose my 50 p on the sweep)

  12. Yes they should, after all womens time of the month products are plastered all over the telly.

    Bodyforms advert will haunt me till the day i die.

  13. They should continue to advertise them. Far too many people are having un planned kids really, so if advertising helps get the message across to even a few people thats great.

    And that woman who said she didnt want her kids to see it will most probably be dealing with a teenage pergnancy of her own in about ten years time if shes too prudish to educate her kids

  14. i think embarrasing manly need stuff should be shown on tv! its only fair considering almost everyother advert is about tampons/towels or incontinence towels! nice!

  15. Why not, I can't see a problem with it and it's not like they are an illegal product.

    Perhaps if our attitudes towards things like contraception changed then there might be a few less teenage pregnancies and less STI's

  16. If they're watching Hollyoaks surely they are old enough to know what condoms are!!  I mean, from what I've seen of it, that show is full of pregnant teens and scared-they-might-be pregnant teens and teens committing sexual and/or violent acts on one another.  So, why not advertise condoms so they can, at least, protect themselves if they replicate the behaviour they see!

  17. i think so yes.

    due to the increase on teenage pregnancys and unwanted pregnancys people need to be drawn to the idea of using protection.

    If there silly enough not to if they dont want kids

  18. I don't see why not, I also don't see why the adverts should be hidden from young children. Toilet paper and "lady nappies" are advertised all the time.

    If condoms were advertised more perhaps then there wouldn't be such an embarrassment factor to buying and using them. That's got to be a good thing.

  19. Don't see why not, as long as they're done tastefully and discreetly and we're not shown them in action.

  20. They advertise alcohol and alcohol is one of the reasons why Britain has one of the highest teen pregnancy rates in Europe, so why not advertise condoms?

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