
Should council tennants be forced to recycle there rubbish?

by Guest45520  |  earlier

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just thought it could be part of council tennant agreement




  1. i think everyone should do there part for the environment, if you are given recycling bins then you should use them....

  2. Yes is is every-ones responsibility to do there bit for the environment whether your a council tenant or not. and making it part of the tenants agreement would be fantastic.

  3. Why on earth are you differentiating between tennants and house owners? Where i live everyone recycles and the Council collects everything every other week.

    I don`t see the point of what you are asking.

  4. Definitively No.

    How can we expect the council house proletariat to recycle if there is no standard set by those purporting to run the system as a whole?

    Prevention is better than cure.

    Sure they give you different coloured bins, but if the government introduced basic energy saving devices to new build council houses, such as quality insulation, solar panels, twin flush toilets, automatic stand by switch off relays, water butts, etc then the government could reasonably insist on tenants minimising their energy and waste requirements, perhaps even impose limits with penalties.

    Rather than build massive energy consuming concrete eyesore council estates like Prescott, a sprinkling of vision and imagination and the UK could have set the bar in large scale eco-housing projects for the underpriviliged and unemployed. (And I don't mean the Millennium Eye!)

    To manage and maintain such projects, of course, is how council tax should be used, not to pay for ineffective policing,gold plated pensions across the board and the myriad ways the councils haemorrage public funds.

  5. Yes. Council tennants are no different to anybody else.

    We all live in this world and should do our bit.

  6. Only if homeowners and other tenants were made to too, what makes council tenants any different.

  7. No it should be an option, it stupid they fine people and the recycling system is to c**p anyway. i cant belive they make u recycle food

  8. i recycle my rubbish have done so for the last 12 month it gets a bit of a habit.i got a small booklet of the suppliers i bought the bin off on monday saying my compost should be when this bad weather has gone i will put compost if its ready round the plants that are poppin up at moment  saves all that money to i spend at garden centres each year.

  9. Everyone who has their rubbish collected should have to recycle.  Maybe you are suggesting that it would be easier to enforce this with council tenants, and I suppose it would at least increase the total amount recycled.  Really, I think it would be wrong to differentiate between council tenants and others.

  10. Most of us do already, unlike people like Dan I believe in trying to save our planet, for myself and my family.

  11. everyone should try to do their bit

    but don't just put it onto council tenants homeowners have rubbish too !!!

  12. Well it already is without the small print.

    If you don't recycle enough your council tax goes up as the Government fines your council for not reaching targets.

    Forget saving the world for your great great great grandchildren and think about what's in your pocket today.

    Works for me I recycle what ever I can.

  13. I'd be glad to answer your question, if I knew what a council tenant is.

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