
Should countries allow people to have more than one citizenship?

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What's the point of being a citizen of a country if you can be a citizen of 10 others? Where is your loyalty then?




  1. It is usually not that simple. Usually its either by birth or by living there long enough & passing a test. Its one thing to have 2 citzenships but 10 .. thats out of the question, unless u have logical reasoning. Personaly, i have US citizenship and german citizenship- i like it because well obviously i live here in the US and i need to be a citizen.. but i like that fact that i'm a german citizen because i have family there & i'm considering going to college there. It comes in handy when you need it; however i can see where the loyalty issue is coming in. I am loyal to the US, & i am loyal to Germany as well. However, if there were an issue between the two i would i would most likely side with US because this is where i live.

  2. Well, I just figure, a citizen of a country is someone who lives in that country.

    And you can't be presently living in two places at once.

    So you should only be a citizen of one country.

    After all, who wants to pay taxes twice?

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