
Should cyclist pay for their own road network?

by  |  earlier

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Since they do not pay road tax. If I owned two cars I would have to pay 2 road taxes yet a cyclist could own one care pay one road tax and have a bicycle and pay no road tax.

Since they slow up, extra avoidance hazard and less visible why not tax cyclists so they can have their own roads to ride on?




  1. No, they should not.  Cyclists are actually doing the rest of us a favor by cycling instead of driving.  They are reducing traffic congestion and air pollution for everyone.  They should be rewarded, not taxed.  

    Besides, many roads are funded by income and sales taxes anyway.

  2. They should have to pay road tax for using the roads and insurance for the damage they cause to cars in accidents which in the majority of cases is the fault of cyclists

  3. they dont need to pay tax as the EU funds loads of cycle paths etc

    its to encourage us to be green i guess

    I hear what you are saying but how would that work with children?

  4. I dont like cyclists on the road as they can be a nuisance when you have to overtake there should be special paths for them and a small tax would help do that.motorists have to pay for using roads why not cyclists?

  5. I would not go that far but I feel that they should have wear helmets by law and have compulsory insurance. A push bike dented my car some years ago and their was nothing I could do to claim from him.

  6. They are a pain for sure but, let's not give the tax guys any  more ideas on how to tax us. We'd end up paying for it anyway. Kids won't/can't pay so the parents would, next would come inspections and insurance and then more lawyers. Nah, let's just put them on the other side of the road facing the traffic. That will take care of most of the problems. Remember, taxation is a loss of freedom.

  7. Given that cyclists were using roads before cars where invented I see no reason for them to pay any more than a horse and cart should pay. Given that road fund tax has nothing to do with road maintenance and has not done so since the 1930's  I think your argument is flawed

  8. Cyclists don't pay road tax because unlike cars/trucks/motorcycles, they don't damage the environment and wear away road surfaces. Where do you propose putting this extra road system? What about every point where the two systems cross each other? Maybe you should think things through before spouting ********?

    It's because of people like you that more people don't cycle. The sad thing is I'm sure you'll be proud of this...

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