
Should cyclists be insured against damage to themselves and other road users?

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If a cyclst damages your vehicle, who pays to put it right?




  1. Yes, and so should little old ladies/men in those invalid buggies they are really dangerous as they drive them in shopping centres and in the shops as well as the road.  Also Horses should be insured for damage to vehicles if they are not already.

  2. I believe that they should and common sense should tell them to.

    If a cyclist causes damage to my property by neglect, they will find they will be up against the small claims court if I get their details.

  3. good answer lilacmic Yes they should all be insured

    The old peeps in the buggies are a nightmare lol

  4. Interesting question this, I now see more & more Cycle lanes appearing up & around our area & seem to get more space than a pedestran! why is it that they dont get charged? the only difference they have pedal power, but do they contubute to the upkeep of the roads? I think its about time they did.

  5. Every road user should be insured made to carry insurance, end of story.

  6. Yes they should, for their own sake. If you are injured by a cyclist they are just as liable as a car driver would be. You could sue them and instead of an insurance company paying up they would have to. They are not immune from prosecution. It is the same for horse riders, most have third party insurance for this reason.

  7. yes they should be. It would make everything a h**l of a lot easier.

  8. Absolutely! and registration plates, so they can be tracked when they go through red lights.

  9. I think it is only fair that everybody who uses the road should be insured

  10. Its personal choice about whether the cyclist decides to insure themselves for injury but public liability insurance for damage that they cause should be compulsory. Friend of mine was knocked over whilst walking on a park footpath by a cyclist, her back has been permanently damaged

  11. Yes, they should have insurance and identification plates on the rear of their bike so some information is available to other road users

  12. It is not that hard hard of a question and the answer is YES they should.............

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