
Should dancing be allowed in the olympics?

by  |  earlier

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  1. it would be more fun to watch then stuff like ping pong or trampoline and about 50 other events

  2. ahaha....

  3. YES absoloutely, and for the comment about dancing requiring less than running and lifting wieghts, thats not true. Iv been dancing for 10 years and its extremely physically hard. And i mean come on , if PING PONG or table tennis or whatever they want to call it is considered a sport to be in the olympics than dancing definitately should, it requires a lot more physical activity then ping pong.

  4. while dancing is heavily skilled based, it requires laughable athletic ability compared to running a 5k, swimming 400m, or lifting over 500 lbs.

  5. Only break dancing.

  6. YEAH!! HELLA <3

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