
Should democracy be limited because the people are just too dumb ?

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Before your military is used in a peace keeping missions should the people have a say? Or is that only reserved for the elected elites to decide how the army is used because the people are just too dumb to be left in command of how their money is spent and how their nations military is used ?

In the case of "pre-emptive" attacks should the people get a say in their nations foriegn policy ? Or is it again that the people are just too dumb to be trusted with important decisons that will impact them and their grandchildren ?

I am not talking about defense - just attack

The secret service is still active the Generals are still free to move troops about as they please - To park in strategic places and to fire back at people or armies that shoot at them first - so there is no danger to the nations Defence

But just the concept of the people decideing rather than a handful of politicans on matters of attack and so on

Or are the people to dumb for this kind of democracy?




  1. Democracy can only exist when the people free will to choose regardless of education, economics, social status, religion, s*x orientation or ethnicity. In regards to your scenario, I believe its not educational but instead culture and language differences that provides the barriers.

  2. political wages for politicians are not great.

    We should trust and listen to our Generals thats why they are Generals something Obama is unaware of.

    You are a very dumb American!

  3. The logistics of putting every minutia of government up to a vote of the people is logistically impossible.  Besides it would take the need for government away.  You elect the people who make those decisions.

    Well, most of them, you don't actually elect the president, because people can't be trusted to do that there has always been an electoral college to make sure the right person gets elected.

    Lastly, you don't live in a democracy, you live in a Constitutional Republic.  There's a difference.

  4. There is no such thing as democracy. You just get to vote in what dictator you want. As far as the American public is concerned, they are so stupid ,the only decision they should be allowed to make is what brand of toilet paper is in their homes.

  5. That's whay we have a constitution.

  6. It will be limited soon.. The politicians don't let much go by

  7. Foriegn policy and military actions are too intricate decisions to be made in a ballot box.  So many factors go into deciding actions including timing, details and negotiation, what method would you use to bring these issues to the people.  And do you trust the same people who voted in Bill Clinton or George Bush (everyone hates one of 'em), to make decisions to run a war?  The more people you get involved in making a decision the more ineffective the outcome always becomes.

    As frustrating as they are to watch, we need leaders, people to make decisions, take credit and blame and to get things done.  The saying Rome is the mob  is illustrative of the fickleness of casually informed voters

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