
Should disposable items cost double?

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disposable items such as toothpaste tubes, sanitary pads, and diapers.




  1. to think there was a large chunk of history when those things didn't exist, but people survived just fine.   it is a personal choice but i would support extra taxes on those types of items. people forget most of these things have alternatives

  2. Diapers should be back to terry towling or swanskin

    Throw aways should only be left for going out not on a daily basis just goes to show how complacent people have become.

    Cloth diapers are soaked and washed daily there fore don't stink up your bins.

    Sanitary pads have been improved now and for toothpaste well that's already sky rocketed to a ridiculous price already

  3. Why?  Many disposable items are cheap because it takes less material and energy to produce a new one than it takes to clean and re-package used item.

  4. Disposable packaging is the key to long-term shelf life and santiary storage for your everyday purchases. Stores (especially grocery stores and pharmacies) would have to raise prices to astromical levels in order to 1.) cover waste from bulk-store items that are not in long-term disposable storage and 2.) cover higher prices from locally sourced products.

    Certain products are better suited to disposability because they are more portable, and because cleaning them might comprimise their santation.

  5. Some items yes!  Like paper plates and the like.  However, sanitary pads and tampons would just make a woman's period more of a pain!

  6. It depends. When it comes to very commonly used materials that are disposed everyday (e.g Diapers, sanitary pads) should not have a cost that is too expensive for people need this in their everyday life. On the other hand, toothpaste tubes are not normally supposed to be chucked out once a day, so it would be reasonable if it costs a little bit more, but this is also for people's oral health and as everyone knows, health matters.

  7. Maybe. Just one sparsely populated English county puts 36 MILLION tons of nappies in land fill every year!

  8. I am not sure if they should cost double the price they do now; however, some proceeds from their profits should be put towards helping the environment.  Also, I think that green products and reusable items should be free of tax or cheaper to promote and encourage their purchase and use.

  9. No that would be stupid.  Everything is going up in price. There are people out there in the UK who hardly have enough money to even feed themselves, the last thing those people need is more things going up in price.

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