
Should doctors be punished for prescribing marijuana in states where it is legal?

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Should doctors be punished for prescribing marijuana in states where it is legal?




  1. Why?

    They can prescribe meth, cocaine, and heroin (all in medical forms but still the same root chemical) as much as they want.

    so if you can do that

    how could you say pot is not ok?

  2. What some of the people answering your question don't understand is that marijuana is still illegal on a federal level and the federal government does not recognize states laws regarding medical marijuana.

    Of course doctors should not be punished. Marijuana is a wonderful drug with many benefits to ones health. It's a shame that so many people still deny this truth after so many have proved these benefits. Doctors are putting their license on the line in some cases.

    Alisia C:

    You don't seem to understand much about marijuana at all. It has a LARGE number of health benefits and, in reality, few risk factors. Consider all the over-the-counter and prescription medicines that people are given by doctors. They pass dangerous drugs out like candy. Drugs that are destructive to the body and easy to be abused and many that can cause overdose. Marijuana, however, you can't overdose on. I have seen patients who go from taking 10 different pills with uncomfortable and dangerous side effects, move to marijuana and they are completely satisfied with it as a medication. Taking away the risk factors of the pills and making medicating much more simple.


    Not just cancer patients or terminally ill patients are prescribed medication. In fact, my wifes cousin who lives in Colorado has frequent migraines and he is a certified patient. When I move there I intend on getting it for my bad knee.


    Again, not just for terminally ill patients. And the legal amount varies from state to state, but in some states a fairly large amount can be possessed by a registered patient. I believe often times it's around an ounce. That's considered a pretty fair amount for one person.

    Kim W:

    Talk about blowing something out of proportion. Terrible to breath in for those surrounding? Hardly. How about going to a restaurant to have to breath in someones cigarette smoke? Now THAT is a dangerous substance. You are completely generalizing all patients. Not everyone who uses marijuana, be it recreationaly or medicinally, will abuse it or "want to be high 24/7".

    As far as Marinol is concerned, of course no one wants to use it. It's synthetic and not as effective and has increased risk factors.

    I have come across many patients who choose not to even smoke marijuana. They would rather vaporize it or eat it in food. Which rids you of that smoke "annoyance".

    And, by the way, there is no such thing as overdosing with marijuana. Nor is there such a thing as over-medicating with it. Taking more than you need will not have adverse effects like most medicines will.

    old lady:

    Again, smoking is not the only method of medicating with marijuana. Also, there is absolutely NO link to cancer and marijuana. There are carcinogens found in marijuana smoke but far less dangerous than cigarette smoke.

    Obviously I am very passionate about this, which is why often times my answers are lengthy. I also like to respond to other people answering the question because I feel the need to get the TRUTH out there. There is an incredible amount of lies, stereotypes and misinformation in regards to marijuana.

  3. Marijuana is not legal in any state unless you are a very sick cancer patients and you need it .  Regardless doctors can always be punished for prescribing any drug that is not necessary for the patients health.

  4. No.  If no laws are broken, they should not be punished.

  5. Dee Dee, why would anybody thing punishment is appropriate for doing something fully legal?

  6. Hello,,heck no!!pass the word on!!vote Libertarian Party,,they said they would de-criminalize marijuana.

  7. I dont think they should but it isnt a healthy thing for  doctors to prescribe marijuana even if its allowed ..ii mean seriously arent doctors supposed to help you be healthy and isnt Marijuana an unhealthy drug to take even if its allowed ..? but my answer is that : Maybe they should have a liscense to tell if they are allowed.So they shouldn't be punished if they're allowed.

  8. not unless the person really needs it and just doesn't want to smoke 4 fun

  9. Yes. Marijuana is still illegal by federal law, no matter what state law says on the subject.

    In fact, there are only 7 people in the US who are legally authorized (by court order) to possess and use marijuana.

  10. no.

  11. No, it has been proven to have pain relieving and other uses.  If it works, it works.  If its legal no one is going to be punished.

  12. no, if its legal why should they be punished?????????  Doctors who constantly prescribe meds for people who need nothing but diet and exercise should be punished!!!!!!

  13. If it's legal then what's the problem?

  14. no because some poeple actually need it.. and if its legal then whats the problem.. i think marijuana should be legalized everywhere.. either way people are still gonna do it.. just like under-age drinking..

  15. no, they should get awards

  16. No

  17. No,because it's legal.Why should they?????

  18. Not in my opinion. Just enough is prescribed for pain or usually terminaly illnesses, not a sackful to toke all day and night.

  19. That doesn't make much sense, but if the marijuana is prescribed to cancer patients to increase their appetite and decreases their pain, punishing the doctors would be stupid.

  20. Why are you suggesting punishing them for doing something that is legal? If they are doctors, and they think marijuana is going to benefit their patients, they should be able to prescribe it no matter what state they live in. And if marijuana were treated as any other prescription drug is, dosage could be regulated and people would be assured of the purity of the product they are using and not have to worry about mj that is contaminated with a wide variety of things to 'cut' it and produce more product from the same amount of week.

    Personally, I think anyone who smokes anything for recreational purposes - from tobacco on down the line - has holes in their head. But if the doctor figures there is a benefit to their patient that is greater than the risk of lung cancer (yes, marijuana is just as irritating as tobacco) or any of the other ills that can be traced to smoking, then that is a matter between the doctor and his/her patient.

  21. um idk I dont think so

  22. No.  The gov't shouldn't interfere between doctors and their patients.

  23. of course not

  24. its legal

  25. Heres the deal:  I have been a care taker (nurse) now this is 15yrs back, but from the stand point of living in your own home with a care taker, it doesn't work if your over dosing.  And they (the patient) alwys use this stuff all the live long day. They then don't do their physical therapy, its a depressing factor for their moods. The marijuana is terrible for the caregiver to have to breath in, I mean terrible.  Then the patients care goes so far down hill, that they are back in the nursing home where they can't use it ---- or can't use it often.  Its addictive to the point of no return. These patients aren't into the MJ pills----they want to be high period 24/7.  Us care takers leave.  Its always a complete downer.  They don't report that on the news.  Doctors try to be open minded but they have the 411 on what really happens.

  26. if for medical use no they shold not be punished if not they should

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