
Should doomsday prophets be arrested

by  |  earlier

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I ask this since they send scam emails, they take money off of people. In fact they could be arrested in Nigeria these people under penal code 419.

Alright spill the beans, one reverent who scammed millions with his doomsday prophesy has been arrested in Lagos last night under Penal code 419?

I think this is great because these phony prophets have taken hundreds of millions of dollars alone in the last two years, Does anyone else like me see these people as been scammers not prophets and should be treated the exact same way.




  1. Doomsday prophets should "enjoy" the same right to free speech as the rest of us.

    When they do something fraudulent, however, like scamming people for money, then they should be arrested and charged (like anyone else would be).

    Theft is theft.

  2. Give them what they want...and put them against a wall and shoot them!

  3. you bet ye.

  4. Yes arrest anyone who takes money by deception.  

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