
Should england get rid of the monarchy?

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Should england get rid of the monarchy?




  1. No, I'd rather have a hereditary Head of State than another lying, greedy, self-serving politician.

    We'd spend just as much money on a President (if not more taking into account elections). The Queen is a figurehead nothing more and she carries out 100s of engagements every year as she has since she came to the throne.

    Mordent - She is not a "huge drain on our taxes", with the amount she brings in to the country and the income from the Crown Estates that she signed over at the beginning of her reign, the amount she gets from the Civil list is extremely small.

  2. How.. can we introduce madame Guillotine?

    If you follow the theory that most people who rise to the top have psychopathic tendencies, ie they are willing to use others to get there. Which do you prefer, today's biggest psychopaths or the inbred descendants of the greatest psychopaths of history?

    Personally I'd go for a cut down modern Royal Family, as is the case with most of the other Royal Houses of Europe. Why they need a huge hand out, several large houses maintained by the state and all their transport and insurance bids paid by the public purse I don't know. Mmm.. where's that post on benefit fraud...

  3. yes to the queen retire let someone else in like william retirement is 60 for women

  4. England will probably never dispose of Monarchy, unless there is some really dreadful King or and Heir.

    Monarchy is unseparable part of British History, Culture and indenity of Brits.

    As long as we have people like Her Majesty, The Duke of Edinburgh, The Prince of Wales, The Princess Royal, Princess Alexandra, The Duke and Duchess of Gloucester, people, who have dedicated whole their lives to serving their country and their people, I'm confident for the future of the Monarchy.

    I'm much less confident with the younger generation though: constant clubbing, ditching, getting back on and ditching again your girlfriends and doing virtually nothing worthy is not how I see my future King. So if Prince William wants to be anything worthy, he'd better take a leaf from his father's book. Because when it comes to serving Britain, Prince Charles sets a brilliant example: I'm not afraid to say that he is the best Prince of Wales this country ever had.

  5. No.Definitely not.

  6. Get rid of the monarchy and have WHAT in it's place?

  7. England?  Do the rest of us in Scotland, Wales & Northern Ireland not get a vote on this then?

  8. No, its not just a tourist attraction. The way I see it they work very hard as ambassord ors, the queen for example attented more than 500 official evenats last year. They can't decide to call in sick or bugger off on holiday. They give up their freedom - they have no choice. They raise the profile of britain and I think they do a resonably good job. I wouldn't want to do it

  9. if it aint broke dont fix it.

    should america rotate the members of congress

    at least once a decade?

  10. they kind of did already.....

  11. No NO NO

  12. Not in my lifetime, no

  13. if that was to happen who would the English people           pledge their allegiance to?who would they sing ''god bless the queen'' to? they should keep the monarchy.

  14. No, it is a major tourist attraction and generates a lot  of revenue and teaches people about history.

  15. No , they should keep the main Royal family but we should not contribute to all the extended relatives and their grand lifestyles.

  16. no.

  17. I'm inclined to say no, for now.

    Although the monarchy is a huge drain on our taxes it also acts as a tourist magnet - and I believe the Queen is a very good figurehead for the country. She is the second longest serving head of state in the world (after the King of Thailand) so she is vastly experienced - much more so than any president could ever be. The role for the monarch is not just opening village halls - she advises the prime minister every week; and all prime ministers are very grateful for the advice she can give.

  18. No.Monarchy is a part of England tradition and culture

    God Save the Queen!

    Vivat Regina!

  19. NO!!!!

  20. yes we should! the queen is actually a shapeshifting reptillian humanoid who eats babies.

  21. h**l No!


    For any reason,

    And to top it off,


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