
Should every Canadian province have a CFL team?

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I think that we need to expand the CFL into other Canadian cities so we can have a large league.




  1. Yes! A very good idea!

  2. No!!

  3. Its a feel good type idea that sounds nice...but the economy under the current system wouldn't allow for it.

    Consider that we have at least three...and maybe throw in Calgary and Edmonton to make five cities that have larger populations than some of the provinces, there is a question of how many would support a team in a place like Newfoundland or PEI.  Also, I'm sure the BC Lions are always complaining about travel costs as it is but just imagine if they had to go to St. John's for a game.  This is part of the reason we've yet to have successful Maritime expansion...its failed once already.

  4. I love the idea but when Toronto (the city itself let alone the GTA) has a greater population then all the provinces out east then I don't think their economy would have room.  I mean let's face it as much as we all love the CFL and I never want to see it go anywhere the players have off-season jobs.  It is just not big enough yet.  And neither is a Canadian football market when the NFL is in full force just south of the border.

  5. Four teams in the Maritimes? Makes no economic sense.

    Why is bigger better? NHL has 30 teams and basically it's too big. I mean, do you seriously follow the fortunes of the Yotes or Cats?

  6. Yes, I do think it would be great.

    However, it will never happen with the system we have in place now.

    CFL owners need to merge into one organization. Theh, they need to get Non-profit status so they don't pay any taxes.

    Then, since the league is all one business, have all teams that make money share with teams that don't.

    That way we can have teams everywhere and anywhere.

    Put max salary on all positions, and on each team.

    If the yanks don't like it, then to h**l with them. That way we have real players who only play for the love of football, not for millions of dollars.

  7. If they could feild a legite team h**l yes

  8. I agree completely.

  9. Do u really think Newfoundland cousld sustain a franchise ?

    And PEI ?

    Halifax could easily.  I guess St-John (NB) also.

  10. No not all provinces have a good following

  11. I'm sorry to say that completely disagree with that. We need a strong league. It failed in Ottawa, Hamilton, Regina are not very strong financially right now. I don't see how a team in IPE, Newfoundland or New Brunswick could compete with teams in Vancouver and Toronto. We should look to other town like Halifax or Quebec City if we want to expand the league.

  12. Halifax for sure, rest is debatable.  Saskatoon, Victoria, London would all be better choices than PEI, St. John's or New Brunswick.

  13. Charlottetown would be great if half the people on the island went to every game.

  14. So who will pay for it?  I can't see PEI being able to support a team.

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