
Should every child have a free nursery place?

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please help as need peoples opinions for college debate for course work !!!




  1. I would see it as a perk like dental or optical insurance. It would be a good bonus to attract employees to want to work for you. I don't see any reason why it would be mandatory though...

    If you have a child, you knew the problems and expenses going with that decision. You're not entitled to special treatment. Companies try to distribute the benefits they are able to afford to cover their employees best. ie. If most employees have children, then they would probably try to open a daycare facility. Dental or Medical tend to be more common as a perk as everyone needs those benefits.

    I am definately against that money coming from government tax spending; why should I be paying for other peoples kids...

    So in summary, no not everywhere should have free nursery care...

  2. I agree that every child should be allowed the chance at a nursery/preschool. My son is enrolled in the public school system preschool for 3 hours every day and I don't know what we would have done without it. I was so blind as to what kindergarten is like now. They have so many requirements and put so much pressure on children these day. I really upsets me at times. My son is so smart but when he is there they let the children play in free time as they call it and take them one at a time do test them on there skills well if he is watching the rest of the class play it is hard to concentrate. They don't want to put him on to kindergarten and that is really upsetting to me. He does all of these task at home with no issue. So I guess what I am saying is if every child is not fortunate enough to have a option at preschool or nursery school where will that leave them in kindergarten.  Will the teacher understand or say he is not smart enough. I am not saying every school system is like the one we are enrolled in but as a parent we have to fight for our childs right to a education.

  3. Of course. How can you deny one child access to education but grant it to another? Everyone should have an equal chance at education regardless of their family income.

  4. yes !

    every child should  be given   fighting chance in life ......

    ie free nursey/education for at least 1st 10 years of his/her life !

  5. Nothing is ever free, do you mean government provided? We would still pay for it through higher taxes. As a mom I'd rather not have anything "given" to me, I'd rather work for it myself.

  6. If by "free" you mean the government pays for it, then it is not free.  The taxpayers send money to the government.  There will always be costs involved including the cost of the facility, insurance, workers salaries, utilities, materials, etc.

    You will need government workers to check up on the nursery to make sure that it is clean and that they are taking good care of their charges.  That is a cost since government workers can't be persuaded to work for free.  To offer "free" nursery care will cost each taxpayer.  

    If you offer "free" nursery care, why not offer "free" elderly care?  Why not offer "free" permanently disabled care?  Why not offer "free" food for everyone?  Why not offer "free" medicine for everyone?  Why is nursery care more important that other goods and services?  

    Karl Marx put forth the notion of a classless society which is essentially the basis of the question.  Some can afford nursery care, while others cannot, so the government should make it "fair" by offering "free" services to those who cannot pay, thus eliminating class differences.

    The point is, if you want to be taken care of from your cradle to your grave, people will go to work and give the government their paycheck.  The government will pay for everything.

    However, instead of the government picking up the cost, why don't people who have the wherewithal, offer their services for free?  Retireds could take in children and care for them, or stay-at-home moms could offer to care for a few extra children.

  7. Not at the Taxpayers expense.I do not want my wages reduced for the care of other peoples children.That is so disgusting.If there were a way to do it through the COMMUNITY THAT DID NOT COST US TAXPAYERS,THEN YES.

  8. If you mean free daycare/preschool, then yes.

    The government should fund these things as a public service, like fire, mail and police. Adequate child care, like public education, benefits society as a whole by allowing women to find work outside the home, and providing a safe, nurturing environment for children at a very vulnerable and important time in their development.

    Without it, families can spend as much on childcare as they do on their mortgage, or end up leaving their kids in sketchy places where they may not be adequately supervised, stimulated or cared for.

    The increase in taxes would be well worth it to society.

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