
Should everyone s***w political correctness and over cautious health and safety regulations?

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Wouldn't the world be a better place if we could say what we want and do what they want without a big song and dance being made over it?




  1. what is PC and health and safety.......its a way of controlling every thing and every body. its almost to the point of being a bit sic!!! y' need to go and talk to a shrink!!! GA GA time....they should start issuing Polish dinner jackets to these people. i cant work out who is more stupid, the public that actually allow this sh*t. or the bloody sic individuals that  have such tiny little willies that they feel a need to control every thing. its all 'frankly' laughable, you just need to work our who to laugh at!!!

  2. I'm all for doing what you want, when you want, so long as you don't cause harm to others.  That includes emotional harm.  So just be a nice person and do what you want within reason.

  3. It's not really a question of political correctness.  It's a question of people suing each other at the drop of a hat.  Companies now have to be cautious of every little thing.

  4. I love people who are non-PC.  They just say out loud what everyone else merely thinks.  As for Health and Safety ... I found a barbers recently in a town about 20 miles from where I live, and they do Wet Shaves.  I asked the guy who did my wet shave why it is so rare these days to find someone who does them, and he said 'Health and Safety'.  Another barber told me that the reason why barbers are reluctant to give guys a wet shave is because of the HIV scare.

    At work, there are whole manuals on Health and Safety.  I do wonder sometimes if it is actually OK to breathe and move about.

  5. Yes.  People could try taking some personal responsibility for what they say and do.

  6. I really have nothing much to say about your PC point. I have suffered from too many bigoted people in the lives of myself and my family.

    Concerning the Health and Safety issues this is a much different matter. I spent 10 years learning the fine detail of this subject. Part of my job was to review the damage caused to people and to their quality of life.

    You will find it hard to be dismissive about reasonable Health and Safety when you have held the hands of two parents who have lost five of their six children because a person failed to act upon reasonable advice given.

    Just remember that you may be bright and even young but you are not indestructible.

  7. Control of the way you think is what the PC's want.

    H&S well if we all wore turbans there would be less issues with accidents.

  8. there needs to be a middle way between everyone saying what they want, which means lots of nasty offensive stuff like they had in the 70s, and today's cloying oppressive PC which has brought the whole concept into disrespect. No extremes are nice - we just need decency and mutual respect without all the loonies banning christmas lights and stories about three little pigs.

  9. Right I'll do that right now, but I'm suing you if anything goes wrong!


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