
Should exceptionally foul comments against an opponent's mother be enough to ban a player for life?

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Let me explain, because this is a tactic used often by Latin players , Spanish or Italian to upset an opposition player and thereby gain an advantage. You may be unaware of the nastiness of this type of tactic.

Zinedine Zidane was sent off after head butting an Italian player Marco Materazzi in the 2006 World Cup. Marco Materazzi had said something unrepeatable in Yahoo Answers about Zinedine Zidane's mother.

A BBC reporter said Andy Murray has had to suffer unspeakable remarks made to him by another Latin Player from Spain, I believe it was Andy Murray's mother.

I have Latin relatives and I know this tactic so I will not repeat any of the remarks, suffice to say they are about as bad a think anybody could think of happening to a relative especially a mother.

This is an uncivilised dirty tactic and I would remove any player caught practising it , repeated offences to receive a lifelong ban. Do you know of this tactic and do you agree?




  1. I don't think it's right but i don't think people should be banned for life.

    The Murray incident was shown on Sky Sports and he didn't take it well as expected but even he was ok afterwards towards Del Potro. It's just words after all, injuring with intent is worse i think.

  2. Are you saying that an comment about an opponent mothers is is worse than a racist or homophobic comment.  Or where do you draw the line.  I have play sports for a long time and it is part of the game.  I would rather be insulted with words than suffer a two footed challenge or deliberately elbowed in the face.  I have suffered it all and continue to play.

    I dont think a life time ban is the right thing.


    But you are only suggesting a lifetime ban for comments made against moms not for other comments or dangerous and violent play.  You are actually suggesting that Materazzi should be penalised more than Zidane

  3. simple.just give him a fu----g good kick in the bollo--s after the game,then stamp on his fingers for good measure.

  4. i know of this tactic and i don't agree with it , but you couldn't ban anyone for doing it , these players are paid millions and millions of pounds every year they should be professional enough to deal with these horrible circumstances

  5. Firstly, Italians are not Latino, they are mediterranean.

    Secondly, the tennis player was Argentinian.

    Thirdly, they are only words.

  6. its all part of the game trying to get the physiological edge other the opponent it happens in cricket 24/7, the players get paid enough money to be able to deal with this kind of thing. You didn't see west ham fans be banned for life when they hung David Beckham and Victoria Beckham dolls from the stand. Being a professional you have to learn to deal we've these types of things they all have the sports psychologist to help them ignore it.

  7. FIFA could start a campaign like how they always start one. But Players being ejected, I dont think so. Players have to cope with these abuse and vulgarity every now and then. If you are earning 100,000 a week, you are paid to perform no matter the cost.

  8. No, as it is primary school insults, the 'professional' player know some people will use this childish tactic.

    They are paid huge amounts, if I could have a months salary of any premiership players salary they could say anything about my mother - as I know it is not true.

  9. You cant prove it's been said, one mans word against another

  10. the only problem here is: Referees proficiency in the Language

    of the complainant. If the Referee does not understand, the

    players home dialect or language. The call can not be made

    unless the referee invokes an interpreter who is not biased

    in his interpretation of what the player said to the other.

    It's kinda like he said this, I said that. If what was said

    escalates to striking out or hitting another player, the referee

    rules to the point of witnessed aggression. That is why the

    Latins get away with Murder.

  11. They are just words. I don't think any remark should be criminal. That would start us down a long hard road of censorship that none of us really want. Do you really want everything you say to be scrutinized because it might hurt someone's feelings? We are all grown up and should be able to go on living if another grown up somehow insults us.

  12. I didn't know that they could ban you for life, but If that's the case I definitely agree. Because a game can be won using the head and sort of manipulating the other team, It is a very power full weapon if it is used right. I come from south america, and they practice intimidation in games, but saying something really offensive is just not right, bc it is like if you re cheating and a sore loser. I had cases of both, when the other players tried to intimidate me and Ive learned to "not care" while playing, but there was this one time that the other player insulted me, and even dough I tried, I couldn't just let it pass, so we've got into a fight. And you see, because of that the hole game got ruined, everybody went home angry and I had to fight someone. So, in this case, the juice is not worth the squeeze haha  

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