
Should fans really take ownership of titles their teams won in other cities?

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I mean, I'm a SF Giants fan and I don't brag about the 5 championships they won back in NY. I'm a Wariors fan, but don't relish the title they won in Philly. I don't hear Kings fans bragging about the title their team won in Kansas City. I recognize that the title belong to the franchise and are part of the teams tradition. But, can you really say these titles are as meaningful as the ones that are won reprensenting your city. I think this makes the Celtics 17 championships that much more impressive.




  1. Nothing cracks me up like Laker fans bragging about George Mikan.

  2. Cena Cena Cena.  I guess Lakers fans will always be a jerk like you.  

  3. should the celtics fans really say they support there team and that "they" won when they are bandwagoners. last year you wouldnt even SEE a Celtics jersey. now they are all over

  4. Thats why the team get there billions because of Fanatacs They spend  the money so they can live through there fav team! No having a life is expensive!

  5. and the lakers 14 is hella S****y hu?

  6. I think they can if they are true fans of the team i live in ct so i don't have a team so 4 years ago i picked the heat and i bragged with the championship, when they got shaq, when they traded shaq, and when the got beasley.

  7. All the Celtics "fans" on this board are all bandwagoner, all except *rob*.. SO far I haven't seen him recognize magic's, kareems, or james' greatness

  8. YES, Same Franchise.

  9. oky. agreed.

  10. Very good question.  I often think about this myself.

    Now we've got to put into account about, the ppl who brag about a title that their team won, but they won they won the title before the fan was even born!  Or maybe they won it before the fan became a fan of the team!

    Or maybe the team plays for another city far away, but they are a fan of them. A guy living in San Diego whose a Reds fan.  They should have rite to brag and that in a way connects with a Giants fan who brags about a NY Giants championship(and not football).

    We'll all in all, i just simply wont brag about any titles my team have won if the era is in the past. Lke the current Warriors era stretches not that far to be fair, maybe 4-5 years.  Even since Chris Mullin was the GM and Nelly was the coach.  I defiently wont brag about a title they won in 1975, when they were in Philly and Wilt the Stilt was on the team.  Ok, im glad the Warriors are asslociated with atleat one title.  But cmon, no personnel on that team is even still on this curent team.  Not even the custodian is the same probably.

    Thats why i get aggitated when a fan say how good their team is and how they ahve won this many championships.  Its like so!  Stick to the present.  Its not about how many championships you have won, but how many more you can have.


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