
Should fat people and smokers get a discount on their health insurance?

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"Fat People Cheaper to Treat, Study Says

Preventing obesity and smoking can save lives, but it doesn't save money, researchers reported Monday. It costs more to care for healthy people who live years longer, according to a Dutch study that counters the common perception that preventing obesity would save governments millions of dollars..." -- AP/, Feb 6, 2008




  1. h**l no its there problem if their in that shape or have the bad habit...They should have to pay same as everybody else.

  2. Most health care costs come at the end of life.  Check NEBR for a working paper from U Chicago.  All this study shows is that heavier people and smokers do not have the same costs associated with end-of-life issues.  Perhaps this is because the causes of death tend to be more acute than the general population.  The study does not show that the average cost of care in a given day is less.  

    Health insurance companies are only concerned with the current average cost per underwriting group, not just end-of-life costs.

  3. People shouldn't be rewarded for abusing themselves.

    No wonder this country's going to h**l.

  4. Absolutely NOT!!! Think about it.....the obese/smokers and the healthy people will incur around the same amount of heathcare costs in the few years before they die. The insurance company will have the opportunity to make money off the unused premium dollars of the healthy people for years and years before they start racking up the costs. The obese and smokers clubs will undoubtedly rack up the costs at a much earlier age without having paid in the many, many years of premiums.

    The liberal Europeans will come up with ANYTHING to make Americans look bad. They're just pissed they can't do ANYTHING as efficiently as we can!!

  5. Of course they should get a discount, because insurance is based on shared risk, and premiums are calculated on how much a person is likely to cost. Fat people and smokers should not have to pay extra to underwrite the costs of those who live longer. Those who are normal weight and nonsmokers did not have any problem paying lower premiums when the insurers thought that fat people and smokers cost more. The slim and pure crowd was more than happy to stick it to the fatties and smokers. They felt "entitled" to pay less, based on their holier-than-thou attitude. Their self-centered sense of superiority will prevent them from realizing they are not entitled to lower rates. Ha, ha--they don't even understand your question!

    By bringing their premiums in line with true costs, the insurance companies would, in a sense, be incentivizing "bad" habits, actually encouraging people to die earlier. So what? Insurance is about economics, not morality. It's insurance, not sinsurance.

  6. Wow!

    No way.

  7. Large yes Smokers no I think that large people should get cut a break because they cant help it smokers however have a choice.

  8. I'm a smoker and I don't think I should get a discount because I choose to smoke. That's promoting unhealthyness. If anything smokers and obese people should have to pay extra for the services and healthy people should get a discount. Obese people also choose to be obese. There are so many programs and healthy choices now that they can lose a few pounds!

  9. When you say it's not a choice to be heavy....... who cares?!  Getting older is not a choice, and look at what the elderly have to pay.  It makes sense.  Plus, 9 out of 10 obesity cases are preventable and reversible.

    And just because it costs less to insure someone who dies younger, what makes you think they'd charge less?  THAT'S HOW THEY MAKE MONEY.  Surprise surprise, they're not really thinking about how they can save people money, but how they can make as much as possible.  It IS a business after all, right?

  10. My family has a rich history with the tobacco industry so I can't look a smoking gift horse in the mouth but this whole thing reeks of LIBERALISM.

    If people be they fat or thin, smokers or non-smokers, can't secure a decent enough job with good benefits then that is there own fault. The rest of hard working AMERICANS should NOT pick up the tab for their ignorance.

    I am blame tired of people standing around with their hands out wanting a discount for every little thing or worse -FREE! IT is about time people took responsibility for their own lives and stop looking to me - and the rest of responsible America - the Republicans thank you very much - to cover their butts.

    Support the GOP! Vote early and often!

  11. No, people shouldn't be encouraged to make unhealthy choices because it will save someone else some money.

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