
Should fat people and smokers have to pay more in taxes or at the doctor?

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Should fat people and smokers have to pay more in taxes or at the doctor?




  1. That's already the case.

    They pay tax on the tobacco, and they have higher health insurance premiums.

    Personally.. I think if they just would not allow people with a BMI above a specific range to apply for health insurance.. and stop making plus size clothing, we would have no choice but to lose the weight, or make our own clothes but you would be so humiliated that i'm sure the weight would come off somehow.

    I weigh 255 when I should weight about 100 pounds less than that. So it's not like i'm "pickin on the big people", because I am one.

  2. They already pay more in insurance premiums

  3. People can't help being fat sometimes, but they can stop smoking.  I did.

    Smokers pay some pretty high taxes when they buy cigarettes.

    If fat people are sick more often, they spend more at the doctor's office since they go more often.  But 10 minutes of a doctor's time is not worth more to a fat person than to a thin one.

    It seems logical for a fat person to pay more for health insurance, but Winston Churchill was a fat, heavy smoker and heavy drinker and he lived to a ripe old age and must have been healthy.

  4. yes and yes

  5. Smokers already pay more there's tax on Tobacco products, non smokers don't pay that tax now do they

    America's getting dumber all the time

  6. According to the sign outside the convenience store, smokes are running around $5 a pack.  I would say they already are paying more.  

  7. No, i don't believe so.

  8. Smokers already pay extra taxes on their smokes, while fat people obviously eat more food which costs them more money, and generates more sales tax revenue.  No extra taxes are either needed or fair.

  9. No. I've had it with taxes.  

  10. Ditto.. Marcia's comment.

  11. Sure, as long as meat eaters do too.  And also those who exercise for less than a half hour per day.  And single people.  And those who don't own pets.  And people who use butter instead of olive oil....

    You get the idea.  We can't control what people do to stay healthy.

  12. Yes & they will not qualify for nationalized health your liberties people....

  13. I don't think they should have to pay more either way because people will always have health problems regardless of their size. Some smokers out live the skinny people and some fat people are nurses and doctors lol so should we not except care from them because they are fat and are a smoker. Everyone should be treated the same fat,skinny,smoker or non smoker..whats the difference we are all one day closer to dying any way ,,,

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