
Should female newsreaders dress more appropriately, rather than looking like tarts?

by Guest32110  |  earlier

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Now then what's going on, flagging audience numbers, why do networks get/allow some of these women to flaunt themselves its disgraceful. Not the kind of image that should be presented to aspiring hopefuls.And what in the name of all that's holy is the deal with naked news? Dear Gods that does nothing but pander to the perverts.

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  1. I like tarts !

    Nothing wrong in pandering to us perverts !

  2. I agree. They do seem to follow the "Paris /Oprah/Bratz Doll/p**n star" handbook. If it gets ratings, EVERYONE will copy it!! You see those "morning news/air heads"? The skirts get higher and higher!!

  3. no i like tarts....sepecialy ones with bigtits

  4. News in any Media, is not about information provision but to sell. Just look at the British press - some is so right wing - some is little more than soft p**n - some is just about the opinions of the owner of the paper.

  5. Robin Meade dress professionally, but she could show more if she wanted.

  6. I expect they dress how they please, and why not.

  7. Och....!

  8. Tarts? Golly ghee... is this 1940?  

    I think women are encouraged to dress less modestly by producers and public to attract viewers sadly!  If society and the majority of our country would not be so accepting of immodest dress then it wouldn't be seen so readily, constantly and openly in public or on the screen.   I don't blame the WOMEN, I blame the gawking, disgusting, immoral society and mostly MEN that create and want this c**p.

  9. I agree! It's like 'look here, I have 34D b*****s and curves' not 'the increase in climate has..' They should dress profesionally (ie suits) not open tops, tarty make-up and big drop earrings. Why does the media assume we only listen if it sells s*x to us?! Argh!

  10. firstly none of the newsreaders I see dress like tarts. Who are you to decide whether a fully clad woman is dressed like a tart. Secondly, if you watch naked news what do you expect you can always switch it off.

  11. i agree! they are there to present the news and look 'presentable' in a modest sense...not allow the audience to know the latest fashion trends!

  12. They mainly look like oranges with more make-up than Coco the Clown, and the ones on the BBC seem to dress like my granny.

    They're all celebrities now though, aren't they? So the News comes second.

  13. Hi, I have yet to see a female newsreader dress like a tart. Most newsreaders you only see the top half of them, so I don't know how anyone could say they look like a tart, just from the top up.

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