
Should feminists be held accountable for absolutely everything done by other feminists?

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To illustrate, let's replace the word "feminists" with "conservatives." Do you think every conservative in America supports the statements of a member of their fringe, say, Ann Coulter? No. I've seen conservatives who are embarrassed to have her speak for them. They may all want the same ends, but they have different ideas of the means.

Using this logic, is it fair to attack all feminists on the basis of something said or done by one single feminists, especially when the majority doesn't support it?




  1. Of course not.

  2. The Mrs. states it best.

  3. this is true of every generalization, you could replace the word feminist with any race, religion or ideology you like and all it would prove is that there will always be extremists and that the opposition will always use the views of these extremists to challenge the group as a whole.

  4. No-  but you know we are all radicals to them   It would take them too much time to actually think about it.

    You know like someone saying "mostly the radicals"- you should just let me bash all of feminism and not respond.   Thats not going to happen.

  5. Absolutely not.  That would be like holding the fact that one out of every ten black men in the U.S has a felony against me simply because I share ancestry from a common region.  You can't profile, generalize and indict someone from a  political, gender, or  ethnic group because there are some bad apples in the bunch.

  6. Of course not.  It is biased thinking, no different then stating all members of a race are guilty of a crime committed by one.

    Stereotyping is pure laziness and an unwillingness to think for ones self

  7. Yeah but the extreamist agenda is the influential one. you guys are not the same as say, ordinary muslims who will publicly denounce the extremists, you only disocoate yourselves when pushed and there is a big difference.

    i don't hear any of you denouncing lies about wage gap, dv and rape or laws that discriminate against men.

  8. You are arguing with the idiots (trolls).

    "Who is the bigger idiot?  The idiot them self or the one who chooses to argue with the idiot."- My dad, probably got it from somewhere.

  9. If you subscribe to a group you are seen as part of it with all it did. If you are a conservative people will think of you as an abortion abolisher (at least in America) and if you dont want to be associated with what the n***s did dont call yourself a n**i.

  10. why are there feminists anyway??

    we've got equal rights so give it up.

    you dont see masculists wasting their lifes complaning.just get on wit your life

  11. no, it is unfair...

    however, it would be hard for the attacker to segregate the conservatives from the rest , since they are in the same group.. it will always result in injustice to the innocent members.

    if i were the attacker i would be deeply sorry for having offended  the innocent.

    and by the way: when i say 'radical feminists' i do it to be specific ..because the regular feminists with their idea of equality are 'ok', in my opinion.

  12. one of my "favorite" arguments of people on here is the whole "take responsibility for yourself"!

    so, shouldn't they hold each person as accountable for his or her actions? and if that is so, why would you judge an entire movement by one or two crazies?

    the thing is, these folks do NOT take the time to educate themselves on the issues. they listen to what their mama's sister's best friend's brother told them or whatever stereotype is being showcased on Survivor this week.

  13. NO!

  14. Nopers. When I am bashing feminist(lol) I do realize that I am not specific. So any feminist who reads my answers/questions shouldn't be offended....I don't mean them specifically. I mostly mean the Radical Feminist. So sorry right now for offending anyone!

  15. No they shouldn't.  Having said that, I'm tired of being grouped with all the misogynist guys on here simply because I'm a man posting on GWS who's had a few issues with feminism.  It's time to end the madness.

    People shouldn't be judging others based on what a few radicals do.  People do it on here though.  I can't stand when you only see the radical side of things when somebody's trying to discredit the other side.  Of course, I guess that's the whole point of posting questions that way, to discredt the opposing side by grouping everyone together with the nuts.

  16. I agree, all Feminists shouldn't be held accountable for the acts of others because they haven't commited the crime

  17. No.  The male advocates are always whining that feminists are this and that yet they possitively yowl when a feminist discusses something terrible that men have done.  This would be similar to saying that because one male killed his mate that all men are murderers.  This is just another lack of critical thinking that the men march out non stop.  This kind of circular logic just leads to further stereotyping and gender myths.

  18. No, and I won't be.  You have some really radical feminists out here who hate men.  I do NOT agree with them, and will not stand by such thinking.  

    I am held accountable for me.

  19. I agree with the ideas that you've put forth already and using that same logic I would not hold all fems. responsible for the actions, thoughts, ideas, words of any one individ. fem.

    As you said it's the same as holding all Muslims, Jews, Christians, Democrats, Boy Scouts, etc. responsible for the activities of any given individ. w/ in ea. group.

    In the same way you couldn't credit any given individ. w/ the group, all of the credit of the group. There are always hypocrites- Christians who are hateful, Boy Scouts who aren't always prepared ( :) LOL) etc.

    Best Wishes!

  20. Rio, I don't see feminists condemn the fringe feminists.  They get defensive if we say anything about Andrea Dworkin.  Why not just say she's wrong?

  21. Anyone that has to remind themselves of their femininity by calling themselves a "Feminist" deserves everything in turn.

    You may not agree with Ann Coulter but the feminists have to agree that she's a babe.

    Wow, an attractive woman who can speak her mind.

    Jealousy is everything.....Right, Rosie?

  22. Should you be held accountable? Probably not; but when you choose to subscribe to an ideology then you have to take some responsibility.

    You can't subscribe to an ideology and then try to modify it to suit yourself. If I call myself a n**i I've basically subscribed to Nazism, so I can't go around making up excuses by saying "those are just radical n***s" when people bring up what the n***s did in the past.

  23. Feminist idiotology is based on extrapolating the worst behaviours or selected men to represent all men.

    Now they cry bitterly becuz that same tactic is being used against them??

    Tsk tsk

  24. Well you have to look at it like this, see how the Muslims feel about Americans!

  25. Yes it's like we're a carton of homgenous milk - some wierd freudian nightmare.

    Discernment takes intelligence and you know that intelligence is a rare quality.

    I admire your patience.

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