
Should fetuses have any kind of rights?

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PETA and others think dogs, cats, and other animals have rights.

During slavery, many believed Black people were merely property.

If a fetus doesn't have any rights, when does it get rights?




  1. Though legal, there is no Constitutional Right to an abortion. There is a Constitutional Right to "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness". When a woman becomes pregnant it is no longer her body, it is their body. When does the child get a say in it's God given right to life. Like it or not the most used reason for abortion is inconvenience, selfish irresponsibility is what it is. Planned Parenthood has received billions over the years in taxpayer subsides and abortion is a multi-billion dollar a year industry. Profit from the death of the most helpless among us. It's a disgrace and is America's genocide. Over 44 million life's lost since Roe vs. Wade. Yes, the child starts out and a division of cells takes place and in a few weeks is formed like all of us were in our own mothers. That's how life begins, at conception.

    Additional: Most State's have laws on the books now for causing the death of an unborn child in an act of violence. Abortion has to be one of the most violent and painful deaths.

    The ACLU and Planned Parenthood fought these laws.

  2. I don't agree with this, but some people don't think that a fetus should have any rights until it can support its own life.  So, after it reaches about 14 years of age.

  3. I believe they have the right to develop, if the mother sees so. Say if the fetus dies because someone shot the baby in the womb... the person who shot the baby should be given a manslaughter sentence. Same thing with forced abortions.

    I also believe that until the baby itself can live and develop outside of the womb, then the woman should be able to abort.

  4. "If a fetus doesn't have any rights, when does it get rights?"

    There are a number of answers proposed for this: at birth, when sentience develops, when the fetus is viable, at conception.

    I would say that the fetus starts to be entitled to rights as it develops sentience. As it becomes aware and can feel pain, it should be given a basic right to not be caused to suffer. When exactly this occurs is a question for doctors or scientists, but it would seem to be late in the pregnancy.

  5. i agree with Inquiring Atheist  

  6. yea...human babies are guaranteed the same rights as adults...just because some "people"  could care less and summarily kill them, doesn't mean they do not have rights!

  7. They're cells. Nothing more nothing less.  By this logic condoms should be banned too.

  8. Do you know that a fetus sucks it thumb as soon as it gets one?

    It must have a need for comfort! Therefore it is aware,

  9. God doesn't think so.

  10. they are the most innocent of victims.  they should be protected.they are the start of a human being.  calling them 'cells' makes them seem less human.  this is what any segment of a society does to those they will to eliminate.  you have to dehumanize them to be able to do so.

    i use to believe in abortions and still do under certain circumstances  but after two abortions by family members, i have seen the results and the guilt suffered.  perhaps some don't experience this but i sure don't see how after they read about what happens to these little ones being scooped out of the womb with brutal tools that rip and maimed their bodies.  go on line and look at them if you dare, it is most disturbing.

    the partial birth abortion is murder, pure and simple.  by law, killing a pregnant woman is considered two murders but if a baby is born alive after an abortion, they are left to die with no help whatever, some have even survived.  

    read the story of one nurse's experience on this issue.

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