
Should firearms be allowed for daily use? What are the advantages and disadvantages?

by Guest56565  |  earlier

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Should there be a law allowing citizens to use firearms for safety? Why or why not? What are all the advantages and disadvantages of possessing firearms?




  1. Firearms should be allowed for civilian use in the event of a serious threat, (home intruder, self, defense, etc.) sport shooting, hunting, etc.

    The advantages to owning them in our case is that we have not had a break in to our home ever. But my neighbor's have had a break in several times. If the right safety features are in place, civilian gun ownership is a good thing. We have multiple safety features for our firearms, our primary safety feature you cannot buy in any store anywhere. The people owning firearms should know how to properly use them in any event. There's no point in owning a firearm that you cannot use.

    The disadvantages are irresponsible adults that leave easy access to guns available for children and the lack of education to their children. If access is too easy, home intruders can get them as well. If you are nervous and don't know how to use a firearm or are unwilling to, then the firearm is for nothing more than show.

    Some people want to ban firearms with no real reason to put up an argument.

    Wait until someone breaks into their home and tries to rape or kill them. Perhaps wait until they are carjacked. At that moment, before they die, they'll wish they had a firearm.

    It's far better to stand up for yourself and shoot back in defense, then lie on your back and take it.

  2. It depends on where you live.... your crime rate and is there a reason you need to protect yourself.... If you live in a country or area in which there is a high crime rate or a concern about your personal well being.. then yes, you should be allowed to carry a gun....  we live in the southwest area of the USA and we have a right to bear arms.... Honestly, the only people that are assigned to protect you are the police, considering they can not be everywhere at the same time, then you should have the right to protect yourself.... Most often when a crime occures, it is over by the time the police show up......  We carry a gun when ever we are headed to an area that is not the safest place to be.... We also have several loaded guns in our home.... as if someone was to break-in....we'd be dead by the time the police showed up.....

  3. The handgun gives the weak a sense of power; which can often lead to very stupid decisions.

    The other major problem with over all general use of firearms is the human factor.  Too many people would instantly turn to the gun in times of anger, causing a lot of senseless deaths.

  4. I think instead of the government allowing citizens to use firearms in daylight for their protection, they should provide the protection for the citizens by improving the security levels in all areas.

    I personally don't see any advantage in being allowed to use firearms.

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