
Should fly-tippers be made to clear up their mess plus a mandatory £1000 fine?

by  |  earlier

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i live in the coutry-side and we are forever picking up dumped kitchen appliances and builders rubbish.[name and shame these uselees people]




  1. yea and they should have their noses rubbed into it like a naughty puppy. i hate rubbish it reall annoys me. is it really that difficult to take your rubbish home or to take big things to the tip.

  2. Yes good Idea. Cannock Chase has become a rubbish tip in the last few years.

  3. Too bloody right...I have to go to the tip...etc...and pay my council to take away appliances..why cant they...???

  4. yes C as you say dangerous to animals and humans too off with their head!!

  5. Yes, they should, at the very least if not more! It's disgusting what those jerkoffs do to save a couple of bucks.

    There's a lot of scrap and rubbish dumped around here too, on trails and such.

    It's tough to catch them doing it though

  6. Don,t be silly.  This would cost me at least £10000 a week. How can an innocent tinker like me  afford that. Anyone wont any trees loping?

  7. I'm with you all the way.  It should not be a problem to sight cameras where they cannot be seen or stolen, then prosecute, not another stupid warning which the type of person involved will ignore anyway.  Why do people stoop so low

  8. I would agree if you were asking if convicted Fly Tippers shouldn't be sentenced to a period of cleaning up the mess caused by other Fly Tippers. Given the length of time it takes to pass through the courts and obtain a conviction it is not practical that they clean up their own mess. Who wants the rubbish lying for months attracting other tippers?

  9. yes I think they should be fined and made to clear it up.

    I think it's disgusting the way they believe they are allowed to do dump their rubbish anywhere they want

  10. I agree with you, Country - if they can make the effort to travel to a field of lambs to dump their rubbish - then they can make the effort to take it to the local ' designated tip'

  11. Sounds more then fair enough to me.

  12. Yes, but its catching them doing it thats the problem.

  13. Yes, yes, yes. Fined and made to clean up.

    Catching them is the problem...

  14. Quite agree C....I live in a Council House Road and we are forever having stuff dumped on the corner of the road such as a fridge 3 days ago.........The Residents of my Road don't do it so why should other people who think just because it's a Council House Road do it ??  And it actually is a Criminal Offence anyway !!

  15. indeed but catching the buggers is a different story, plus the police are to scared to arrest gypsies.

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