
Should football players be suspended or sacked if they are charged with drink driving? Or what should happen?

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Should football players be suspended or sacked if they are charged with drink driving? Or what should happen?




  1. hummm let me think about that. They make more money than they should, yes they are talented, already get away with breaking the law like a current world leader I know, they are not above the laws we are not above. Why should they get "special treatment" just because they play sports, shouldn't that make them more responsible for their actions being in the public eye?

  2. No.  It happened off the field.  However, if they drove to training or a game and they were drunk, then yes, they should be sacked or at least suspended.

  3. yes they should they are very high profile idols that young people look up to and i think they should act the part.

  4. No way! Everyone does that now- a- days! We don't get fired for being caught drink- driving, do we? NO! WHy should footballers be any different? They shouldn't! My point exactally!


  6. No - they are just like us except they are football players - no special rules for them, no special rules for us - keep it the same across the board - they're obvioulsy going to ramifications of their own due to their occupation but we all do just in varying degrees of severity.

  7. No, I think football players are just guys who get payed to play football. They aren't role models or heros.

    If they get charge for drink driving they should lose their licence or go to jail like everyone else. They don't need special treatment.

  8. well they may be ppl just like everyone else , but they are in the spotlight and therefore they should set the example for all their young fans ... if someone looses their licence from drink driving theres a good chance he'll loose his job  so do the crime  do the time , they know whats coming so their fault for doing wrong in the first place, they should be suspended not sacked though cause evryone makes mistakes though a repeated offender should be sacked

  9. Yes they should be suspended or sacked and sent through an anti drink driving program.  they should be advertising against drink driving.

    And no, they aren't like us, they are on million dollar contracts, they are professional athletes, they are role models in the community, they visit sick kids in hospitals - how can they show their faces if they are endangering lives because they are too tight to pay for a taxi after they get smashed at the pub?

    It's ridiculous... a few hundred grand a season, plus all their sponsorship deals and they can't behave responsibly.

    What's it going to take?

  10. No, but they should be prosecuted for it the same way any other person is.

  11. DEFINITELY yes!!!

  12. that's a really good question.. i never understood myself.. it's not like of other people who work at offices get sacked just because they are charged with drink driving..

    and it's not like it will effect the way they play.. i don't think..

  13. A football player should be sacked if they  drink driving.

    Their example is most important specially in the eyes of the young ones that never waist any time to copy the champions of their dreams. As they want to be just like them,they would do anything  to get the same  popolarity.

    If the penalty sound too taught then, my advise is,DO NOT DRINK DRIVING,than no one, would do you any arm,while on the road whith few drinks ,they become criminals therefore at this stage, they should be  treated like one.

  14. I think they should be suspended for 4 matches as they have such a huge following of young impressionable kids. They are supposed to be well trained adults well aware of the dangers of drink driving.

  15. Yes they should be.  Whether they like it or not they are role models for children and drink driving is not acceptable.  They should miss a couple of games and be fined.

  16. Should you be sacked or suspended from your job if you were caught driving ??

    no they should not if it does not affect the job it should have nothing to do with their employers

  17. i thing they should get a good suspension if it were a normal everyday person they'd have to suffer their consequences some how so ye they should to

  18. This will be dependent on the club rules to which they belong to. The choice rest with the people who controls the  club and ultimately over them. If they are good players who can bring in the fans, chances are they will stay. Probably they will be punished also, by not just civil court, but also the club. So being punished twice is good lesson enough. Key thing is will they learn? Will their management be able to control them and curb their arrogance? Or will they think they are above everything else and not be bothereed by the insignificant fines? Then, I say, go ahead and sack them and make sure they do not have a career in football any more. Otherwise it will be a waste of time.

  19. Suspended yes, sacked no. Sacking is too harsh a penalty for what is basically stupidity. If it happens repeatedly then that's another matter.

  20. I think there is a lot of "unwanted pressure" on football players to be "role modes" when in fact they are just ordinary guys [often young] who happen to play footy for a living and never asked to be in a position of being an example to others.

    Of course when anybody is in the spotlight they are often scrutinised and have a responsibility to themselves and their audience.

    however footy players are in fact "human" and whether or not they asked to be in a "role model" position they are which subsequently puts pressure on "normal human beings to act extraordinary" !!!

    Give footy players a break! They are just like you and me, with all our faults and inadequacies, they just earn more


  21. no and yes

    as circumstance dictates

  22. Yes. They are basically celebrities. Lots of young people look up to them, they should lead by example. If people see them getting let off, then they will think " well what wrong with it? If they can get away with it why can't I?" It is the worst possible example they could set.

  23. No they shouldn't. Sure, drink driving is a pretty stupid thing to do, but we only hear about it because of the media. We never hear when Joe Bloe down the road gets a drink driving fine do we? The players are certainly in the media spotlight and are at time villified by the media. Some people would argue that footballers are like role models to young children, I'm sure they are, but a drink driving charge is not going to then cause a child to go out on a drinking bender is it, just because their footy hero did.

    Ordinary citizens don't lose their jobs and probably half the time their bosses never find out, but with footballers the whole world knows. Everyone makes mistakes, it just so happens that the footballers made a huge mistake and in front of the entire world. (or state they live in!)

  24. Yes. They are being paid big money to play football and to keep the name of the sport in good repute.We have an instance here in OZ at the moment where a player, who is being sponsored by the Roads and Traffic Authority has been done for drink driving. It also happened in the middle of the R.T.A.s "anti drink driving" campaign.I'm sorry but they are paid a h**l of a lot of money NOT to make mistakes. Remember, being caught drink driving isn't unlucky, "IT'S A CRIME".

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