
Should fully wild congo african grey parrots learn to talk?

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hello i m vijay from india please tell me is fully growen wild african grey congo parrots learn to talks

a pet shop onwer has 10 month old congo grey baby if i buy him is he can talk he is not hand raised




  1. A ten month old should have no problem learning to talk. Be sure that this bird was not wild-caught illegally, though.

    Greys are very intelligent and mimic by nature, whether in the wild or in our homes.

  2. Hi Vijay

    I am a professional when it comes to African Grays. They are very intelligent Parrots proven to have the IQ of a 5 year old child at maturity.

    Most Parrots can learn to talk no matter if they are wild or hand raised. I have 4 Congo African Grays now. 2 were born in my home, 1 was shipped to me from Florida when he was 3 weeks old and I have a 37 year old that was wild caught and was also abused for the first 20 years of his captivity.

    I got him 13 years ago and I never heard him ever say a word. My other CAG''s talk up a storm.

    It was only about 3 years ago that my 37 year started to talk to me. While he doesn't talk as good as my other Grays at least he has shown me that he can say something that I can understand.

    What I can tell you Vijay is you would need to spend every day with your Parrot and talk to him, also you need to have toys so you can interact with him too. The more time you give him and talk to him it may help your Parrot to develop word skills.

    Your always welcome to contact me about training I would love to help you out and I have found some cool links about training your CAG.

  3. I wouldnt be so worried if it can talk, some birds never learn to talk.

    I would be more concerned about making an expensive 70 year commitment.

    African Greys are really smart, they need large cages, and lots of stimulating toys. Thats on top of a large playstand and lots of out time.

    You cant just throw a bowl of seed at them either, they need fruits and vegtables grains and beans on top of a high quality food like bird-elicious

    This is a great place to learn about greys:

  4. I got mine when it was almost a year old...about 13 years later it talks whistles, barks and makes all sorts of noises.  Just give it will talk, but you'll have to help it by repeating whatever words or phrases you want it to learn

  5. Captive parrots in all will learn how to talk because they don't have the stimulus of living in the wild. So yes, your parrot if you choose to buy him has the potential to learn to talk well. And it's more like mimicking unless you work specifically on comprehension.

    Here is more info on teaching your bird to talk;

  6. greys normally start to talk at about a year old mines 10 months now & hes trying to say things

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