
Should g*y people be allowed to adopt children?

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Why or why not?

I think they should because g*y parents are better than no parents.




  1. Yes, without a doubt.

    Why should they be discriminated against, because of who they choose to be in love with??

    That's like saying, *No Catholics can adopt, No Jews can drive a car, No Atheists can fly Aeroplanes.*

  2. most definately!! they have the ability to provide and love just as well as non-g*y couples...and no one tell me the c**p that g*y people raise effed up kids because my husband turned out just fine and so did his brother, and i love my mother in laws!!

  3. Yes, of course they should.

    It has already been proven that a g*y couple can be just as good parents as a straight couple.

    And what's with all the "g*y parents are better than no parents" comments?

    Do those of you saying that realise just how many *straight* people are totally *UNsuitable* to be parents?! How many children in care have been taken away from their *straight* parents?!

  4. why nottttt?????

  5. yes! there are so many children out there that have no families, why not let homosexual couples adopt. as long as they are a loving family and can provide everything that the child needs.

  6. Yeah, of course they should.

    Anyone who says no is a bigot and should go jump in front of a truck.

  7. Yes, but not for the reason you evoke. g*y parents are like any parents... Some are good, some are less so.

    g*y couples should be able to adopt because they should have the same rights as any other couple. That's all...

  8. Absolutely!  Who else is going to look after these children??  Priests who molest them?  I think not.  (bring on the thumbs down i say!  That's right.  Priests don't do anything wrong like molest children, so go on, click that little thumbs down button.  It doesn't change the fact that these children are safer in hands of loving human beings instead of molesters in the church)

  9. When it comes to adopting children I don't see a problem as long as they are being loved. That is what adopted children need. When it comes to them having the children on their own I don't agree. Why confuse the child like that?

  10. Of course.

    If they can get more foster children off the "governmental orphanage" than why not....

    Anyone can adopt as long as they have the specific requirements/stability.

  11. No, because homosexuality is an abomination to God.

  12. Your logic isn't completely whacked, but I'm sure it can come off as a little offensive. I lived on Capital Hill in Seattle, WA, and that's basically the Western equivalent of Soho, and I have to say that I've never seen a community so tightly bound. Most of the families there consisted of parents who had partial custody or widows/widowers turned g*y. They were very pleasant, and incredibly protective of there familial networks. Now, in America, g*y marriage has been banned in most places, except the recently reformed California. No doubt a few of the couples back there flocked down to tie the knot.

    Point is, g**s in Seattle have their own network and then their public one. They are fiercly protective of their lifestyle because if they aren't, they get prosecuted for it. Some families have fallen apart, some have gotten stronger and more courageous. It shouldn't matter if a child is growing up in a g*y home, because their values are just as good and righteous as any other nice, city/suburban family. Personaqlly, I think some of the straight families are a little out there, filling their children with thoughts of hate for someone who just has a small tweak in their lifestyle by comparison.

  13. If they can give the needs of the children, then yes!

  14. 100% yes!  What makes them any different than anyone else?  They should also be allowed to Marry.

  15. Of course, provided it's a loving and stable home.

  16. What? Of couse they should be.

    On what can we base immorality? Have straight people set the example for morality? NO.

    g*y people are perfectly able to raise children.

    What are you people afraid of? That g*y people only raise g*y people? Oh but of course that is the case, since straight people ONLY raise straight people. Right?

  17. yes i do not see why they should not be able to!

    Most of the guy people that i know would be good as parents and will be better  then some of the heterosexual parents are anyway.

    for myself i would rather have a guy person as a baby sitter then a hetero one if their was equally qualified

  18. Children are gifts from God...  I really don't know what to say about this!  I guess it's like another poster said, a g*y home is better than no home...

  19. Being g*y or straight has absolutely no bearing on how good a parent one will be.  There is no relationship between these two varioable ... other than maybe some g*y parents would be much better than some straigt parents ... and the other way around.  Being straight doen't make you a good parent.

  20. I think everyone should have the right to be a parent. Being g*y doesn't mean they are going to be a bad parent. I believe if you are a good person anyone has a right to be happy no matter who they prefer to share it with.

  21. Of course! When there are people who are dying to have children while others are throwing them away(literally!) then why would you think of denying them?!

  22. What do children have to do with a parent's s*x life anyway?  Being Hetersexual or Homosexual is just a sexual preference which is none of your kids' business to begin with.

  23. I do feel that g**s should have the right to marry and/ or reproduce or adopt.

  24. Of course they should.

    They can raise children just as well as any couple.

    Their parenting skills are what matters, not their orientation.

  25. i think they should, but I'm sure you are gonna anger a lot of people with the question :)

    i also think they should adopt their s*x children, i just think boys will have an easier time once puberty comes if they have a man to talk with (same for girls)... but I'm certainly not against adopting opposite s*x children

  26. I think it should be the same for g**s and straight--

    If the parents are fit, ready, and stable, they should be allowed to adopt children.

  27. Of course they should be able to. Any one person or a couple should be able to adopt if they are screened and can safely and adequately raise children.

  28. absolutly. There are to many children in the world that need good homes for them to be discriminating aganced g**s.

  29. I think that anyone who is willing and able to be an involved, loving, responsible parent should be allowed to adopt.  

    I don't see how sexual preference has anything to do with that.

  30. While I do agree that g*y parents would be better than no parents, I do not think g*y people should be allowed to adopt children.  Instead, I think they should make the adoption process easier for straight people.

    Right now, prospective parents have to jump through hoops and have a career that pays a whole lot of money before they would be allowed to adopt.  

    I think this is what needs to change.  As long as a straight couple can adequately provide for a child, then they should be allowed to adopt provided they pass the other tests to see if they are fit parents.  

    Right now, you have to really make a LOT of money to be considered as adoptive parents (and pay the adoption coasts) and I think that is what needs to change...then we would not have the problem of children with no parents...they would be in normal middle-class families.

  31. Your'e logic is REALLY dumb.....anyways NOWAY

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