
Should get a dog? I need one?

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i live on a farm, kind of, and i want to know what the best dog to get is. i don't have cows or anything but lots of plants and i want a dog that can keep my house safe so i want to know:

Can dogs keep bears away?

is a Doberman pincher kid friendly?

will my dog eat my little sisters hamster or the family cat?

which dog is the best for all these things? a Doberman pincher, chow, german shepard, or great dane? or can you suggest another dog?

i also have a 10mo old, a 10 year old, a 13 yr old, and a 15 year old. which dog would be the best or should i just wait til my 10mo old grows up a little?




  1. First question not all dogs keep bears away I just lost a rottweiler to a mother bear so sadly no they really can't.

    Second question doberman pinchers can be helpful for home they are also friendly it all depends on who teaches them to be friendly or vicious.

    Third question If you have a hamster and a cat it's a possibility the dog can mess around with the cat. So try to get your dog to be a outside dog.

    The only dog I can think that will be protective and friendly to children is a boxer. My neighber has boxer very friendly it barks when cars pull into the yard but friendly to others. A boxer can fun and playful toward all your children.

  2. Dobermans can be tempermental, i'd say no. Because each dog has its own personality, its impossible to decide which is best. Take your kids along to choose the dog. And its not easy to determine how the dog is with cats either. And you cant really take the cat with you...

  3. Do you have time for a dog?  

  4. i would recommend a home security system before i would recommend a dog for you.

    I've known some chows/GSD that would sooner l**k your face than "defend" anything. just because you get one of those breeds doesn't mean they will automatically defend your home.

    i wouldn't recommend any of those breeds for a first time dog owner at all. they are all very smart, powerful, loyal dogs that need an experienced and/or devoted owner that is willing to do all the necessary training to make sure that the dog is a safe member of the family.


    i find it amusing that all the answers that gave you sound advice were thumbs downed. i swear people only want an answer that will validate their own ignorance.

  5. My parents got a doberman five years ago and it's by far the best dog we've ever had. It guards the house, but was very easy to train (my dad trained it to stay in the yard so we can let her roam freely without having to worry she'll go in the street or chase after someone/thing). She is very loyal to everyone in the family. She never bites us (unless it's play biting when we get her worked up) and she is VERY lovey. She will let other dogs or trespassers know that she's the boss though. We also have 3 other dogs and 2 cats and she leaves them alone. I would get a doberman, in fact, when I get out of college I am going to get one (I already have a miniature pinscher). Good luck.

  6. A german shepherd. But make sure you have the time to train it properly and it will make a loyal guardian and companion. If you take the time to socialize and train it will be fine.

  7. You dont "need" a dog..  you "want" a dog.

    No, dogs can not keep bears away.  A bear can easily take on any breed of dog.

    If raised and socialized with kids, yes Dobes are child-friendly

    Depends on the dog.. some breeds have a high prey drive and may go after the hamster or cat..  and some dogs enjoy the company of other animals.  Hounds, terrriers, and husky and spitz-type breeds tend to have a higher prey drive than other breeds.

    None are good if you are looking for protection from bears.

    I think you should wait until the 10 month old grows up a little more.  In the meantime, research the breeds you are interested in.  You may also want to check out breeds like the Great Pyrenese and newfoundland.  I dont reccommend the chow with young kids.  Chows are hard to read their body language, and bites often happen because people dont catch the warning signs.  Chows are better in more experienced hands.

  8. i really think you should wait till your 10 month old grows to be at least 6 years old (or watch your kid while he/she is around the dog) . Hunting dogs might try to eat the hamster but if she keeps it in the cage it should be fine. Im not sure about any of the other things. *sorry*  

  9. Most shelters recommend that the child be at least 5 yr.s old.  Children younger than that can harm a dog without knowing what they are doing.

    A Doberman would be a good dog.  Especially if gotten while still a puppy so you can train it.  Training is very important.

    When you get a puppy do your research & check sites like 'Puppy training', 'house breaking a puppy' that will tell you to exactly how to train the pup.  Your older kids can help in the training.  They will probably get a kick out of it once the basic training is finished.

  10. The most gentle and protective dog i know is a Blue tick hound they love kids and will be very protective over them I have one and I'm 15 and I have cousins down to the age of 9 and he loves them all but if there are older people and a kid screams or cries he will usually have a threatening bark does like to eat but I love him with all my heart and the best thing is watching them grow up especially when they get to the clumsy and playful age! They arent so big they knock you down but big enough to keep whoever or watever at a distance. Our Electric guy even knows if parents arent home wait until someone comes and gets him. I don't really think they could fend off a bear but they will try. Another thing You do want you 10 mo. old one around it will make he or she more gentle and protective of the kids but you want to be around because lil kids tend to be rough then he could get rough the best thing to do is get a puppy. Where most owners of dogs mess up is they train them to be mean and protective will if you are very sweet and so are the kids he will be a WONDERFUL dog!! Please email me bak i would like to know what u chose and how its goin!

  11. Slow down! Too many questions!

  12. you need to answer this list of questions before you decide to get a large dog.

    how much experience do I have handling large dogs?

    do I know how to socialize the dog?

    am I buying the dog to fulfill the dogs need or my needs?

    can I afford the veterinary care that comes with purchasing a large breed dog?  which can be double or triple the cost of a small dog.

    do I have money set aside in the event I need help from a dog behaviorist with an issue that can be dangerous to humans?

    am I willing to exercise this dog on a daily basis, possibly twice a day depending on the breed, for the rest of its life (depending on breeed 8 to 13 years)?

    will the entire family play an active role in fullfilling this dogs needs?

    am I willing to train the dog on a daily basis until i have no doubts that I have achieved 100% respect and submission from the dog?

    if you have answered no to some of these question don't purchase a large dog or you may end up with a very aggressive dog that can hurt you, your family or another human.

    based on your questions I don't think your prepared to take control of a large breed dog.  you dont appear to have enough experience with this type of dog.  these dogs require leadership from an experienced owner.  please do more research and be honest with yourself about owning this type of dog at this time.      

  13. You should get a Border Collie or a Australian Shepard. They are really really smart. They are the smartest breed.  They are great family dogs. They are really protective. You would want to get a smart  dog because you'll stress so much over a stupid dog and you want to enjoy your dog. DO NOT get a chow chow they are known for being not a great family dog. Those dogs are good for only adults not kids because they bite. I suggest you not to get a Great Dane because they are so big they might run over your little 10 month on accident they are so big its really easy for them to get a hip promblems. If you get a big dog they will get hip promblems.  I used to have a Black Lab and she had really bad hips and she was so young. Her hips were so bad that we had to carry her upstairs because she couldn't climb the stairs. if you have anymore questions about what dog to get be free to email me or i.m. me :)

  14. Deff not a Chow chow they're not so kid friendly.  A great dane is pretty kid friendly and so are german shepherds and a real good guard dogs.  I personally own 5 American pit bull terriers and have kids ranging from all ages over my house and they do great and they would protect my house with their lives.  The only thing is not all pit bulls get along with other animals such as cats and small animals the hamster should be fine but I don't know about a cat.  I have two cats but I have to put alot of time into all of my dogs individually.  Hope you find your perfect dog.

  15. German Shepherd Definitely! They are kid friendly and they DO NOT eat other pets, Their top two Priority's is to Guard the house they live in and keep YOU happy. Doberman Pincher`s can be very BAD Children`s Dogs unless they were raised around kids, Great Danes are cool dogs too but they cost a TON to feed, I don`t know if Dogs can keep Bears away seeing as I live in the city with my five Shepherds. German Shepherds don`t mind their ears being pulled or a little finger stuck in their eye by a Baby, they know not to hurt the baby, their that Smart! Good luck picking out a Dog! I hope I helped!  -  Rebecca.

  16. Go to your nearest animal shelter; they can help you pick and you may save a life while your at it.  These dogs have already been tested for temperament and aggression.

    Also, shelter dogs are often dogs who have had families and been socialized already, which will give the added benefit of skipping some of the puppy training issues.

    And don't be so concerned about a purebred. A mixed breed will love you and your family just as much.

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