
Should gordon brown copy chinese govt and tell men not to wear white socks&fat women to hide their fat ankles?

by Guest60700  |  earlier

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The government has told people how to dress, warning against wearing white socks with black shoes or pyjamas in public, and telling women with thick ankles to wear dark stockings to hide their imperfections, according to international media reports.




  1. The saddest thing is people have been removed from homes, the precious water has been used for fountains, gardens & the rowing venue. All the poor have been removed from Beijing & the whole China Olympics are a farce, with human rights being abused.

    Beijing is not as it seems on our media.

    It's all just a big show for the West, while their own people are suffering.

  2. I suppose he should tell fat men to hide their beer bellies too?

  3.   yes, the chinese have their priority's right, fat ankles are gross. we could do with some of their idea's in the uk. i constantly feel sick looking at these fat chav's hanging out of the tracksuits.a bit of starvation would do them no harm.

  4. Having seen that picture of Gordo on holiday, i dont think he is any position to give fashion advice!

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