
Should governmental assistance programs be 'rolled back' or should they be expanded?

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Should governmental assistance programs be 'rolled back' or should they be expanded?




  1. Well, as a socialist (a real one, not a free-market liberal) I would like to see them expanded. Not as a money-wasting exercise, but properly targeted.

    Most government assistance goes to propping up large, wealthy companies with taxpayers money, so why shouldn't money be used where it is really needed? People who never get any chances will always be dependent on the state; it matters what the contents of an assistance programme is, if it is just giving away money, that's an invitation for boring old right-wing demagogues to complain.

  2. That's like asking if water should be poured on a fire, or should gasoline?

    Obviously, all (including corporate) programs have been PROVEN to be far more destructive than helpful.  The government should not meddle thusly...lest for the most extreme cases.

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