
Should governments of the World think about global Warming.?

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Should governments of the World think about global Warming.?




  1. First of all start from Indian government.......,

    see what happens...!

    Atleast other countries have already started to sort it out.

  2. misterjinx,  your answer shows exactly what is wrong with global warming alarmists.  Everything that you state as fact is completely wrong, and it is these "facts" that convince you that global warming is a real problem.  I think if you really knew the truth, you would not be so concerned about global warming.

    You state that the earth is warming at a rate of 2 degrees per decade.  However, according to the latest IPCC report, the earth actually warmed at a rate of 0.6 degrees over the last century.  You OVERSTATE warming by 33 times.

    You state as a fact that over 10,000 gallons have melted from antarctica in 2006 alone.  The fact is, again according to the IPCC report, that antarctica is not warming at all, but cooling.  The ice mass in antarctica is getting larger, not smaller.

    Even if 10,000 gallons of melting ice were added to the oceans in one year, that would have an effect so small that it could not be measured.  The volume of the earth is approximately 1.0832x10^21 cubic meters.  10,000 gallons is equal to 37.9 cubic meters.  The rise in sea level by 10,000 gallons is too small to measure.

    And finally, you think that the earth could be underwater by the year 2050.  Even if all of the ice on the earth melted, it would only raise sea levels by about 200 feet.  This is not enough water to cover the earth in water.

    Try learning some facts before spouting off nonsense about global warming leading to the imminent end of the world.

  3. h**l yeah they should global warming increases the earthes temperature by about 2 degrees every 10 years doesnt seem like much untill you look at the fact that over 10,000+ gallons of antarctica melted just in 2006, at this rate the world will be underwater by 2050 global warming happens because the earth's ozone layer traps in heat from the sun and compresses it into the atmosphere, like the green house effect.

    ignore that idiot above me, global warming is a serious matter that needs to be addressed, it is not redusing it is rising.

  4. Yes, they should. We need to get together and start taking action in order to stop global warming.

  5. There is little doubt that global wasrming is going to play havoc to the lives on earth. All need to take some collective measures to stem the tide. There is a stop global wasrming movement dedicated for this cause, in this site, which you may join in

  6. They are thinking and thinking without taking any action to reduce it

  7. Yes they should, already many nations are looking towards curbing it but the problem is they are not taking effective measures.

    Countries like India and China who have the biggest population in the world have to look for employment for their youth so they dont want to curb developmental activities which are harming our environment.

    Countries like US donot want to do any thing but just shift their polluting industries out to developing and underdeveloped countries. This is certainly not the sollution since it is solving local pollution problem but global warming is a global phenomenon and we need to deal with it globally.

    In India our government is more interested in votes and so they do not want to take action against polluting industries and illegal loging. Lots of forests are being cut, our green cover is going down, our climatic conditions are changing, farmers are commiting sucide due to less production but the government is sleeping.

    They say better seeds will solve the problem but I do not see any thing getting better. I am also an agriculturist annd have seen farm production going down by almost 30 to 40% in some areas.

    We youth will have to fight for controlling pollution and stoping cutting of trees. When we ask the government they will have to respond. Until and unless we wake up to save our environment for our coming generation notthing will happen. If we save our forests atleast our region will be safe to certain extent and if we can unite others from diffrent regions certainly we will be able to do a lot.

  8. It would be better to deal with real pollution. There are some nasty toxic chemicals being dumped into the environment. There's rivers in China that are so polluted a dog who drinks from it will die on the spot. It's just silly to make such a fuss about CO2. CO2 is not a pollutant. Without CO2 every plant and animal will die. I say if you want to save the planet then save it from toxic chemicals. CO2 is beneficial to us.

  9. Governments are totally incapable of thinking about anything and should be discouraged from trying.

  10. I thought just about every politician alive had jumped on this bandwagon already.

  11. No, global warming is depressing.

  12. Ofcourse, they should think of it.

    The world is changing so they also have the change some of the laws and rules to provide a cleaner, a better world for the next generations...

  13. absolutely .and thay have to take care of the environment.

  14. Lots of people are making money off Climate change, from media, lots of new specialized climate change journalists, to public sector employees.

    If you do watch Al Gore an his inconvenient truth then also watch "the great global warming swindle" by channel 4 films. Both are aimed at either side of the argument and show the scientists stating that global warming is or isn't man made. I must admit that I haven't watched Al Gore yet but will do shortly.

    I've just finished studying this a university and is global warming occurring, yes. Is it man made, no. Most of the evidence points to global warming, or climate change, as being a natural event.

    Global warming is real and has been happening for Thousands of years, at the moment the world is coming out of a cold period peaking during the 15th century and is slowly heating up, the world is still colder than it was 1000 years ago.

    The hole in the ozone is an unusual as it should not heat the planet up but cool it down, the ozone is what creates the greenhouse effect, any hole and the heat would escape.

    Man made global warming is a myth, plants produce 100x more CO2 (decomposition, etc), volcanoes over 1000x more than that, than human pollutants. A point that seems to be missed a lot by the media is the CO2 lag time. Most CO2 is stored in the oceans of the world, the deep you go the high the concentration, for the amount of CO2 to be the cause of the heating of the planet it must show heating graphs to ocean water temperature graphs. It takes around 800 years for the oceans to react to the surface temperature so the all CO2 levels must be offset by a period of 800 years against surface temperature and this shows almost no coloration between to two.

    Remember that temperature records have only been precisily recorded from 1850's and the planet has been coming out of a cold period that peaked in the mid 16th century.

    I'm not convinced regarding the storm argument either. How are tornados and the big storms over the mid west caused. Cold air mixing with hot. If this cold air wasn't there then they couldn't form.



    global warming will cause enormous changes .....

    nowadays the temperatures of various places are becoming unbearable....EVEN INDIA IS NOT AWAY FROM THIS ISSUE........

    if we want to survive then we really have to think over this matter.........and instead of cracking jokes and not taking this issue seriously we should come together and fight against GLOBAL WARMING.

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