
Should grandparents have a say in what formula a baby drinks if they are paying for it?

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My daughter and her baby are living with us and we are supporting them while she finishes school. Here's the question. She insists on using the same formula they used in the hospital. The pediatrician says it's fine to use generic brand. I'm a marketing professional, and I see the hospital samples for what they are. I don't want to be the pushy grandparent from h**l, but $700 bucks a year is a lot of money to spend unnecessarily. How would you handle this?




  1. I would say if the you, the grandparent, is paying for the forumla, buy the generic. It is just the same as the regular brand. I would buy one can and try it, and if the baby does fine on it, purchase the cheaper brand. If your daughter wants the more expensive brand then it is her job to get a job and pay for it, even if she has to babysit to earn money. You are being very supportive to support them while she finishes school so she needs to respect that.

    I had a baby at 16 and I finished school and I had a part time job to help pay for the baby's things. I was not picky on what she got as long as she had clothes, diapers and food.

  2. she wants to give her baby the best, i don't believe generic formula is the same, there is a reason it's cheaper.

    generic coca-cola isn't the same as real coca cola, generic is a lot sweeter and tastes gross.  i have never found generic products to be of the same quality as a name brand product.

    i'd rather use formula from a company who dedicates itself to making formula than some store that sells some generic formula cheap just to make some extra $$$ for their company.  i would try to save on other items but not on the baby's food and nutrition source.  (even the government provides people name brand formula, of course this is a seaparte issue all together)

    i understand that some people have limited income, i do too as we are living on one income, but i try to save in other ways so i can buy what i consider a good quality formula for my baby.  i also think people with limited income should really be pushed to breastfeed, how can one complain how expensive formula is when they could have breastfed for free and it's healthier (i know some people have medical reasons they can't breastfeed but these are few and far between).  i really don't understand why the government pays for formula for people who cannot afford formula but who have no medical reason not to breastfeed.     this is just my opinion on this whole subject, not directed at you, just a general comment.  i totally regret quitting breastfeeding and for my next baby plan to nurse and avoid formula all together.

    anyway, good luck...

  3. Honestly, I think whatever the baby can take in is what the baby should have, if the baby can handle the generic brand, then why not? that extra 700.00 a year would go great in a college fund or a family trip. It doesnt matter who says what, in the end it all boils down to the child.

  4. We use generic and everything is fine. Tell your daughter that you would like to try it and see how it works out. Generic is less than half the cost of name brand formula and if you compare the nutrition values like I did you'll see there's very little difference. If she still wants to use the name brand, tell her that she needs to figure out a way to make it work.

  5. I agree that generic isn't always best..I mean really I have tried a can of it with my daughter and it didn't sit well with her..and I see no point in going cheaply when it comes to my daughter whether I had to sacrifice things elsewhere I would so I didn't have to buy her cheap should be thinking about the best thing for your grandchild and not how much it costs..who cares if you save 700 going the cheap route..that cost shouldn't even come into play.

  6. tell her to apply for wic

  7. sensitively. while grandparents should not have a say in what formula their grandchild drinks, if you are paying for it then h**l yeah.

    it might be best to explain that this is a little bit expensive for you in the long run, and give her a price you are willing to pay up to for each can. this way she gets to choose from a few brands, or make up the extra money herself to buy the brand she wants.

  8. Why isn't she Breast-Feeding..then you wouldn't have this delimma. But since she is not then whatever Formula that sits well with the BABY should be used (whether Brand-Name or Generic) and that should be the ONLY  factor in choosing what Formula to use.   The $700.00 shouldn't even come into play.

  9. If you've asked your daughter to consider the generic and she refuses then I (personally) would buy the formula she prefers, if you can afford it. I think if you push for generic formula you'll just stir up trouble and cause tension.  Us new moms are pretty sensitive about giving our babies the best brands (even if generic is just as good). It's admirable AND very generous that you're supporting your daughter and grandchild. Do what you can financially. If you can afford name brand than do it. if you really can't then maybe a better solution is that you contribute a certain dollar amount each week for buying formula (perhaps whatever a week's amount of generic would cost), and she can come up with the rest to buy name brand, or buy whatever she can afford.

  10. tell your daughter ; if she doesnt want to pay for formula she can go buy what she wants or she can breastfeed

    and if you are paying; you should be buying whats more affordable for you!

  11. i think you really should look into WIC. It depends on the income of your daughter as long as shes not married. it shouldn't be the household. or at least it wasnt for me when i was living with my parents. just check it out.

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