
Should gun be allowed to be carried by a school ?

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Should gun be allowed to be carried by a school ?




  1. i don't care if you give me a thumbs down or not. nobody should have a gun at school accept a police officer!

  2. Let's look at it like this..Who's the one person that "may" be able to hold his/her cool during this type of crisis ? The teacher, right ?

    Well wouldn't that one crazy who wants to kill as many people as possible KNOW which teacher carries a gun ?


    Yep, the one person that may be able to contain the situation..

  3. No, most teachers are not trained to handle a gun./ There is no reason for them to bring a gun to school.

  4. not really why

  5. No. What would happen if someone didn't listen to the teacher and he/she went over the edge and just grabbed the gun and shot everyone!!!! You wouldn't like that, would you? Haha.  

  6. Not only that but I do really think that schools should employ at least one marksman.

  7. h**l No!  Want a student to grab it and shoot the teacher or students.  Helllloooooo.

  8. I'll answer with some questions:

    1. Does the teacher have a state approved Concealed handgun licence? If yes then move to question 2.

    2. Does the school board have in place a regulation allow teachers with CHL's to carry in school, provided they have been given additional mandated training? If yes, then move to question 3.

    3. You trust this teacher to mold the mind of your child into thinking like an adult, so you would trust them to protect your child if an armed assailant came into the school? If you answer yes, congratulations you can think like an adult instead of a media programmed robot.

    If you answered no, try this website, and see what lies you have been told by the media:

  9. I know a lot of teachers, I'm gonna have to say no on that one.

  10. I just saw in the news that they are doing this in Texas. I think that teachers should not be allowed to carry guns in school. I can't think of any reason that this would be good, and several why it would be bad.

  11. No, that's actually a bad idea. I know this is sort of morbid but a student could grab it while a teacher could be in the staff room. Trust me it wouldn't be wise for a teacher to hold one. Although given the fact that there was a shoot out at Virginia Tech than your school should have a resource officer.  

  12. no. she has no right to defend herself in a dangerous enviornment where any student may pull a gun out and start blasting ppl.

  13. HELLNO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. I still love my life ya know! So no

  15. This is a touchy subject.  Some argue that teachers are very trainable in this aspect and that they already know from experience how to deal with kids in school.  However, others think, what if the gun is wrestled away from the teacher and used against them?  Personally, I think gun carrying should be done only by those that really know how to use them and when to use them.  The Police.

  16. Yes, as long as the teacher is trained in how to use it, trained in gun safety, in crisis management and in hostage situations.

    Otherwise, no.

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