
Should gun control become more powerful?

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Should gun control become more powerful?




  1. only as it pertains to accuracy. a firm (powerful) hold on the gun will tend to help steady the gun, allowing you to be more accurate.

    Oh, you mean politically? Then repost your question in the politics section, since people come to the hunting section to discuss guns and hunting, not politics.

    We have plenty of gun control on the books already, and certainly don't need any more.

  2. Powerful gun control in Stalins Russian proved to be a  success, millions of unarmed civilians died to further his agenda

    Powerful gun control in Hitler's Germany proved to be a success, millions died to purify a race of degenerates

    Powerful gun control in Pol Pot's Cambodia proved to be a success, 1/3 of the population of a country was exterminated to fulfill PPs goal of an agrarian lifestyle

    People who propose gun control are in the same company as  the greatest murderers of this century

  3. no mrs.clinton ....

  4. Absolutely, especially long guns. With robotics being more common all the time in manufacturing, there's no reason you shouldn't be able to have a fitting at your local gunshop and the manufacturers produce a stock to fit, with the right length of pull, drops and cast for you personally. And for little or no additional cost. That would go a long way towards better control.

    Oh, that may not be what you meant!


  6. And you posted THAT question in THIS forum.  Are you working with glue without enough ventillation again?

  7. yes

    To vote you should have to show up at your polling place with a rifle and 100 rounds of ammunition.

    To graduate from high school you should have to demonstrate you can control a gun good enough to shoot paper-plate groups at 200 yards with iron sights on a rifle.

    That is powerful gun control I can get behind

  8. NO

    There should be no gun control if everyone had a gun then these nut job, gang banging, morons wouldn't thank about trying to shoot up places or try to rob banks it would not happen.

    Look at Switzerland every house hold has to have a gun for military purposes, kids bring guns to school and the have the lowest crime rate in the world. The is so little crime the that they don’t even keep record.

    I bet you never here these tree hug sobs say anything about Switzerland.

    But for a short sweet answer NO!!!!!!

  9. Ok I will say this yet again

    The Supreme Court said that the word people means the individual person.

    What part of "...shall not be infringed."  do you not understand?

    Let me break it down for you



        \shəl, ˈshal\



    Inflected Form(s):

        past should Listen to the pronunciation of should \shəd, ˈshu̇d\; present singular & plural shall


        Middle English shal (1st & 3d singular present indicative), from Old English sceal; akin to Old High German scal (1st & 3d singular present indicative) ought to, must, Lithuanian skola debt

    Date:   before 12th century







        Middle English, alteration of nought, from nought, pron. — more at naught


        13th century

    1 —used as a function word to make negative a group of words or a word 2 —used as a function word to stand for the negative of a preceding group of words <is sometimes hard to see and sometimes not>






    Inflected Form(s):

        in·fringed; in·fring·ing


        Medieval Latin infringere, from Latin, to break, crush, from in- + frangere to break — more at break



    transitive verb1: to encroach upon in a way that violates law or the rights of another <infringe a patent>2obsolete : defeat, frustrate intransitive verb: encroach —used with on or upon<infringe on our rights>

    synonyms see trespass

  10. I think; At birth, everyone should be issued six "stupid" bullets.  You can use them through out your life to shoot six of the most stupid people.  Then I would have one with your name on it.  That would be a good new gun law !

  11. Only in'' Kalifornia'', other than that (Just Kidding). No, it is bad enough as it is. Worse is the fact, that the Govt. will not enforce the laws already on the books. Gun control does nothing, but leave honest, law biding citizens defenseless. Criminals don't obey the law in the first place, that's why they are criminals. So what good does it do to add more gun laws that only turns the law biding in to defenseless victims. I for one refuse to be a victim. I would rather be judged by 12, than carried by 6. I've taught my wife and daughter to shoot. My daughter just turn 23 and is now getting her CHL license. I don't need or want to own a tank, but I don't want the Govt. dictating if I can own a gun or not,'' the right to bear arms, shall not be infringed'' That's clear and simple language, from a clear and simple time.

  12. Gun Control as defined by anti-2nd. Amendment politicos is a farce.  It does nothing to keep guns out of the hands of criminals.  It is an excuse to criminalize gun ownership.  Criminals by their very Nature will always have access to guns.  Gun control only handicaps law-abiding citizens who may one day have to righteously defend themselves from someone with murderous intent (who will possess a gun anyway because he has no respect for the laws of the land).  Anti-2nd. Amendment politicians don't really care because they have armed body guards 24-7 paid for by (you guessed it!) our tax dollars.  They are just afraid of people with guns because an unarmed population is easier to control.  Think about it and be careful how you vote.  Anyone who erodes your 2nd. Amendment Rights is an enemy in spite of any good intentionts that he or she may profess.


  13. No-For 30 years, DC had the strictest gun control laws in the country AND the highest murder rates.   Go figure.    Thank God the Supreme Court ruled their law unconstitutional.

  14. No.  Gun control does nothing to keep guns out of the hands of criminals.  It just makes it more of a pain in the *** of law abiding citizens trying to purchase a new gun to add to their collection.

    I believe that there was far less crimes going on when everyone packed a gun, because the criminal knew that if they did something wrong they would have a town full of guns pointed at them.

    I stand 100% behind the NRA, and the 2nd amendment.  I'm also in the military to protect the constitution and namely that 2nd amendment.  

    If you like gun control move to Canada.

  15. NO NO NO NO NO and NO!!!!!!!

  16. In what way?

    My version of gun control involves education about safe firearm handling from an early age.

    I'd think it would save many many lives if safe gun handling was taught in schools like driver's ed or whatever.

  17. interesting, fact my grandfather, said they meaning him and all most everyone at that time carried their squirrel guns to school .on one shot anyone for their lunch or a pair of shoes, or just to see someone die for the fun of it. The guns never killed anyone. I will bet you if they had the killing games they are RAISED on today video, cd ,dvd ,etc.Guess what someone would have died.  Is it really fun killing or learning to kill someone in a game how sick we are and have become.

  18. Gun control is keeping the pistol on target and my finger off the trigger until ready to fire.

    Keeping the PEOPLE from keeping and bearing arms is bad.



  20. no. we just need to have more prisons built for the stupid criminals who use guns  to commit crime{s}. personally , i feel we need to start public executions again. if the youth see what could happen if they..mess up.. that might nip it in the bud. of course , it would be a waste of good lead and gunpowder...but, i think we can somehow raise the money to pay for it..without a tax increase !!  if a person is doubt about his / her guilt appealing , just firing squad !!

  21. Align sites on target, disengage safety, control breathing, dynamic tension, slow and steady trigger squeeze......BANG!

    All the gun control I need.

  22. According to the 2nd Amendment > " The Right to Keep and Bear Arms shall not be Infringed."... Our 2nd Amendment Rights Have and Are being Violated, Subverted, Compromised, and Denied by the Federal, State, County, or Local governments in the U.S.A. for YEARS.* All this nonsense about Permits, Fees, Special Training, Open Carry, Concealed Carry, Gun Free Zones, Government Buildings, Post Offices, Airports, Schools, Etc. is B.S.*.....To OWN and to BEAR says it all, without all this nonsense which is a Violation of your 2nd Amendment Rights.* The only Gun Control is NO Gun Control whatsoever.* Guns have only Two (2*) Enemy's RUST and POLITICIANS.*

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