
Should hair salons offer free haircuts for police officers, EMTs, and firefighters?

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As a paying customer would it influence whether or not you went to a salon if they had this policy?




  1. I am a hairdresser and would like to know why I should cut hair for free for anyone. Isn't my time and skills worth anything?

    If the salon owner wants to do it, fine their business.

    You would also be surprised by how many people don't even tip for a free service.

    giving a cup of free coffee is one thing but not a 30 min. haircut.

  2. No, what does being a firefighter, police or EMT have to do with free haircuts?? If they were to get anything free, it should at least have something to do with their

  3. No way, what entitles them to a free hair cut? That's just saying their job is better than everyone else's when it's not.

  4. no why should they get free service? and yes it would influence me, as i would feel like my business was not good enough

  5. Yupp.

  6. Yeah, it would p**s me off.  What about us other folks who work in the medical/human service field but are not any of those three?  I'd avoid a place like that.

  7. i wouldnt mind.

    maybe extend it to doctors too?...because my dad is a cancer doctor (hemotologist) so that'd be a pretty good deal.

    the place i'm at now charges us like 30 bucks each!

  8. I don't think that asking private business to pay for free hair cuts for public servants is fair. They already pay taxes, and to ask them to give more is not going to be something that would go over at all.

    It is a great idea however, and I have some ideas that may make it work.

    If the salons that offered this service could have their property/sales/income taxes reduced by offering this service it could create a desire for the owners to adopt the services.

    The Fire Dept. has down time at the station quite a bit. If the taxpayers voted to have a barber/stylist available on site to cut hair it could work. The EM T's and Police officers could come into the shop for cuts.

    Question- who would be paying for their time when getting a "free" haircut? The taxpayers? Would they have to get the cuts "off the clock?"

    Actually- it probably has too many holes in it to really work.

    If a salon did offer this service, and advertised, I may go there.

    Great Idea- I just don't see it happening unless a private owner decided to do so for their own salon.

    I think that the people you are trying to help here are wonderful. They all are hero's, and we all owe them a debt of gratitude.  

  9. no why are they so special? yeah they save lives but other jobs to do liek pharmacists paramedics etc. and other jobs liek hair cutters do a big part in making people happy so...

    people at nursing homes take care of people

    people who work in factories make our cars for us etc etc.

  10. Probably not free but a discount would be nice.  However, many salons consist of hair stylists who rent the chair--so it's not up the the salon.  And a stylist can only do so many heads per day and that may not allow him/her to reduce the rate.  Most don't make a whole lot.  And if word got out that X salon or X stylist gives good discounts to these public servants, the salon/stylist may go out of business real fast.

  11. Yes, I think so. But I know that things cost more these days, so if a salon couldn't offer an entirely free haircut, they should at least offer a discounted price.

  12. no. their paycheck is their compensation for what they do and they know what the job entails when they sign up for it. if they don't think it's enough, they should do something else for a living.  

  13. no! it could be unethical when the cop pulls you over for speeding, but instead of the ticket you deserve, you get a warning. how would you feel if you did get the ticket? i'll bet you would be mad after all those free haircuts, and he won't even cut you slack!  

  14. they get paid well enough.  they can pay like everyone else.

  15. Nope, they're normal people too, if we have to pay for it so should they. Now better job benefits I understand, but haircuts no.  

  16. Nah, they should pay like anyone else.  The guy who cuts my hair cuts a lot of police and firemen's hair, they all pay just like me.

  17. No, how discriminative!

  18. If they choose to offer it great - but it bothers me when businesses are told they're 'Unpatriotic' for not offering it.

    Look, if we offered a discount to everyone who did help society, we wouldn't charge cops, firefighters, EMTs, soldiers, dentists, teachers, trashmen, or the guys on the corner offering to wash your windshield.

    Businesses exist for one purpose - to make money.  The power company doesn't care if they're being socially responsble, they care that the bills get paid.

    I think it's nice to offer, but no one should be looked down upon for choosing not to.

  19. yeah because they are serving the community and they are not given enough salary

  20. no , it wouldnt be fair in all aspects

  21. No they should not have free haircuts but they could have a discount or something.

  22. No I don't. Because nurses, doctors, etc would want free hair cuts too. And us NICU nurses too.

  23. No it wouldn't influence me at all...but they probably make more than a lot of people so they should pay too.

  24. I wouldn't care either way.  

  25. It's good for the employees, because they're likely to tip higher for a free cut.

  26. NO not for free perhaps a discount on all haircuts. Junst like a military discount

  27. No.  Should all emergency service workers get  the food free.  They do an important job, but they do get paid for it.  

    How about Doctors, and Nurses, and Teachers, and Physiotherapists?  What about people who don't get their hair cut; what then?  Do the Salon owner have to give them the amount of money they would have got if they had had a haircut?  

    And what about salon owners?  Most of them just make a living and lots go out of business each year.  

  28. Hi Salty -

    No way!  Don't you think the police get enough perks?

    It wouldn't influence me either way.  If the salon does good work, I'd use them.

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