
Should hawk eye be introduced,and should the bench be extended by 2 more players?

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Should hawk eye be introduced,and should the bench be extended by 2 more players?




  1. 1. No

    2. No

    Leave hawkeye out it - gives the rival fans more to argue about. We don't want it too technical with stoppages all the time.

    I think all the extra interchange are the main reaon for the recent increase in injuries. A few years back the rucks, rovers etc would go to one of the pockets & have a spell. Now everyone uis expected to give 100% the whole time they're on the ground. It's knocking years from players careers.

  2. Oh h**l yeah!!! Hawk-eye gets a thumbs up from me!

    The extra men on the bench is a good idea but it does take some of the skill out of choosing the correct players..

  3. yes ans yes

    problem solved

    fantastic Question

  4. For sure, when comes to is it a goal or not, the technology is there as in the cricket with camera's, they could easily put them in the goal post, wouldn't slow the game down any more that the tv station waiting for channels to come back from ads around australia so they can bounce the ball.

    I'd proably leave the bench alone, 4 is enough, where do we stop, it used to be 2, you went off the ground, you couldn't come back on, not that long back too.

  5. Guilty of yes on both counts !

  6. 1.yes

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