
Should he do this?

by Guest64572  |  earlier

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My son is 10 and he holds m y hand when we walk, but he does it in the interlocked fingers way, I thought this was only for couples, is this a problem or is It okay because he holds my husbands hand in the normal way.




  1. If that's how he feels safe and you're ok with it then it's fine.

  2. This is normal, he proberly does this to you because he feels closer to you.

    There is nothing to worry about

  3. He probably isn't fully aware of the 'only for couples' rule yet.

    Probably very soon he won't want to be seen holding his mother's hand in public.  Enjoy it while it lasts!

    And try not to analyze things too much...

  4. I've just asked my 10 year old son to hold my hand...he interlocked fingers. Its not his normal way but he did say he remembers it was always the way when he was younger and smaller as there was more grip. My son will still hold my hand for crossing busy roads but not for minor roads or when his mates are around...thats seriously uncool in his book. I think the interlocked fingers are as my son says extra secure so he feels safer, I wouldnt worry about it.

  5. As a parent you will spend all your time worrying about the wrong things. You will smile when you are old and you think about this.

  6. He feels safe and close with you!

    Enjoy it whilst you can because he's 10 and in a nano second he wont even want to be seen in your company or acknowledge your existence - let alone hold your hand!

    My husband and I have never interlocked fingers when we hold hands - always palm to palm.

    Everyone is different thats all.

  7. of course its ok, he's your son. there are no written rules as to how your child should show there affection for you. he obviously feels safe like this!

  8. it strange for this age to still want to hold your hand but its nice! he obviously feels close to you and your husband and i dont see it as a problem! jehe must feel safer this way!

  9. ah bless, the littel things our little men do ..i am close to all my children and last night my 12 year old son put my arm around him on the settee when he came to sit next to me, i am glad that our children feel comfortable with us, i think its just your sons way of feeling close to you.i owuldn`t necessarily worry about it as i am sure before long he won`t be doing it as he will grow up so much in the next few years...

  10. My 6 year old will hold hands palm to palm when out in public but when we cuddle up on the sofa he'll take my hand and interlock fingers.

    I think it's lovely that your 10 year old will hold hands with you and if my son is still doing it then i will be over the moon!!!

  11. you are fine, dont worry.

  12. My son likes to take my hand and pet his face with it while we are shopping or walking in the mall. He also likes to try to kiss my fingers! It's silly, and I'm sure he must have seen it on tv or something, but I think he'll grow out of it!

  13. He's your son an you should enjoy the closeness he has with you! My son is 4 an he hates holding my hand! It wont be long till he realises he's past that stage of needing your comfort an security. Enjoy it while it lasts!

  14. Me and my eldest daughter hold hands interlocking - she says it makes her feel safer cos I only have little hands.  It stops our hands coming loose; eg. if she goes to walk another way without thinking.

    Likewise she holds my partner's hand 'normally' - he has massive hands by comparison and she feels secure already.

    Nothing to worry about - you're lucky that at 10 he still holds your hand.  Many kids that age wouldn't - so just make the most of that closeness in contact before it's lost forever.

  15. I'm surprised at the fact he's ten and holds your hand at all.

    I assume your not from London?

  16. My daughter has always tried to do this also, even when she was a tiny baby, 10 months old was the first time she did that.  I thought it was sweet then but I discouraged it because I felt uncomfotable doing it.  She has still tried over the years, it seems the natural thing for her to do, but I take her hand in the other way and she accepts it.

    If you are ok with it, do it.  But if not, just hold it in the way you prefer.  He'll catch on.
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