
Should he get mad at me?

by  |  earlier

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I've been with my guy for almost 3 years. I've always been one of the guys. 90% of my friends are guys. He gets kind of distant and annoyed with me if I talk to them. Since I've been living with him I feel very distant from my life and all of my friends and family. I've tried talking to him and letting him know how I feel but I always end up agreeing with him and doing nothing. What should I do? I love him but I feel stuck. I know no one around me and I have no interactions with other people and I miss hanging out with the guys. any ideas?




  1. You need to set boundaries.  He is manipulating you with the 'distant and annoyed' treatment, isolating you gives him more control ie he's running a guilt trip on you.  Require that he honour and respect you and your choice of who you interact with.  The other side of that coin is that you are to honour and respect him in your dealings with these other guys ... don't you flirt or get your kicks or play with them.  No hidden meaning in your interaction with them ... you know what I mean!!  Also be totally open and honest with him and stand your ground, as long as you are on sure ground and not being deceitful in any way.

  2. i think im going to keep this one simple for once XD

    if you have to change your lifestyle for him then hes not worth it.  

  3. Sounds like you are in a controlling relationship.  Why do you allow him to get his way?  Instead of agreeing, you should be living your life with your friends, whether they are male or female.  You should invite your man with you, when you hang out with your friends.  Perhaps your boyfriend does not trust you and has insecurity issues himself.  Work with him and not against him.  

  4. NO... he should not get mad..

    full stop

    you needa bit of freedom in life

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