
Should he have got away with this crime??

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My brother in law was arrested last night (in the UK). He was driving his car reckelessly so the police saw him and tried to stop him.

He didnt stop and carried on driving for 30 mins. They then had to literally baracade him on the motorway, smash his windows in and drag him out the car.

He was completely drunk, has no insurance and is on a driving ban (for previously drink driving) so therefore doesn't have a license.

He stayed in the cell last night but they have just released him...

Is this right?




  1. i totally agree with korky.its a$$holes like your brother in law that kill innocent people because they are to bloody stupid :-)

  2. Is this another question from the tall story club,no way would the driver got away with that  

  3. No in my opinion he should have been straight down the court this morning where they slap a punishment on him.

    Then again he'l probably only get something stupid like community service even though hes done it previously. He really should get put in prison this time - hes already been banned from driving and so on and obviously hasn't learnt his lesson regardless of which way you look at it.

    Theres no reason for him to not go to prison but to be honest if they've sent him home I highly doubt he will be!

  4. I can't believe that he got away with it either. I can't see the Police just giving him a smack on the wrist, are you being told the truth.

  5. drinking and driving is no joke ,personally i think he should stay in jail till his court date, to many judges are to soft on drunk drivers ,i take a taxi when i go out drinking ,i don't wanna kill anybody when im out having fun with my friends what fun would that be ,anybody who gets behind the wheel drunk should get a sentance of 1 year rehab.[if its on public roads] ,if its on privite land then its ok you can go kill your self on your own land where outher people have no chance of being killed by you  

  6. I would question who told you he got a smack on the wrist and told to go home.

    He will appear in court soon, and possibly looking at a prison sentence.

  7. he hasn't got away with it, the police have bailed him to return at a later date while they compile evidence and present it to the CPS and organise a court case. I hope he has good legal help cause he sure will need it

  8. yes his released on bail from police when its comes to cout see who gets released than  

  9. YOUR QUESTION is answerable BY ITSELF. Should he be allowed to get away with this crime or any crime for that matter? OF COURSE NOT.

    UNDER THE LAW, crime or crimes are punishable. Your brother-in-law committed a serious infraction or offense therefore the manner he was brought down by the police officers are appropriate and correct. He didn't stop when the police signal him to halt but proceed with driving the vehicle for 30 minutes more. Your brother-in-law is completely reckless and could hurt or injured pedestrian if not stop on its track. Smashing the windows could be well construed inappropriate but since this is a matter of life and death situation the officers have no other choice but to do that in order for the driver to be driven out of the vehicle.

    AS YOU SAID he is completely drunk, and a drunk driver couldn't even tell the red from a green color. He has no insurance and is banned for driving a vehicle, more offense. The officers is correct in putting him in jail. He was released because of bail no doubt.

    NOW WHAT IS YOUR QUESTION? The manner the police conducted the affair?  YES THEY ARE RIGHT.  What do you want the police will do in these kind of manner, just give him one lollipop and tell him to go home? This is a serious crime, driving under the influence of liquor. There are many people get killed because of drunk driving, not only the driver himself or herself but the people in the streets or vehicle along the way are affected once a drunken driver speed off and smash everything along its path. YOU DO NOT KNOW THE CONSEQUENCE yet because you never witness such an event in your whole life I bet or seen someone being crush by the vehicle in one electric post.That is why there is a slogan:

    IF YOU DRINK DO NOT DRIVE...IF YOU DRIVE DO NOT DRINK. Simple isn't it even a 10 year old kid can read between the lines and understand its meaning. Yet we adult DONOT understand sometimes or all the time its value and meaning.  

  10. He has more than likely been released pending a charging decision by the CPS. This is how it works in the UK now and has done for a few years.

    He has not got away with it and will be back at the station in a few weeks to be charged and go to court.

    A bureaucratic exercise that creates a lot of unnecesary work for police and gives the wrong impression to decent people but that's the way the government want it.

    [I have to question if you are being given the full story. A slap on the wrist? Drink driving and disqualified driving are both offences for which there is ultimately little option but to charge and send the suspect to court, if the evidence to support them exists.  "slap on the wrist" cautions are not administered for these offences]

  11. Where did your information on the circumstances and outcome of this incident come from?  This sounds way too serious for someone to just be released.

    I would suggest that if this is the case that no charges were brought, if the circumstances were as you described, then someone has made a very wrong decision.

  12. He hasn't got way with it, he's been bailed, presumably now he's sober.  He will be in front of the court in due course. In the meantime, they are preparing the file for the prosecution.

  13. Your brother has NOT got away with this crime. He has been released pending further enquiry. He will have been instructed not to leave the city he lives in, nor the country and will be charged at a later date.

  14. Its obvious that you dont like your brother in law. Maybe he is a bad person, who knows, lots of bad people in this world and few good ones.

    Like many here said, the cops in UK are far more decent than the ones here in the U.S. They would arrest him and book him and would let him go on bail. He has to show up in a court, and then the story would be different. He better have a very good good defense lawyer. But chances are, he's busted, cops must have dash cam videos of the whole incident, he is most likely to be imprisoned for some time.

  15. So was he held in the drunk tank until sober and then released??????? Still doesn't seem right considering how dangerous high speed chase's are.. And wouldn't that be resisting arrest if they had to break the window to get him out?? I don't know how the laws are in the UK but so far it sounds like he should of been charged with evading, resisting, and whatever else he might of been under the influence of. It doesn't seem right if no one bailed him out. I'm not sure if they would even consider releasing someone on an O.R if he was charged with evading.

  16. They were right to release him but he will get a court date and he does deserve to lose his licence and go to prison for risking other peoples' lives.

    He WON'T get away with it don't worry.

    What an idiot!!!!

  17. Has his ban expired? If so, he is likely to get a summons through the post for driving offences (they'll have told him that "the facts will be reported"). Do you only have his word for the chase and not stopping? Or only his word that he has been released without charge and not on bail to return to the police station whilst the CPS consider what charges to bring? I suspect that he has not appreciated everything that has happened to him in the police station, or he is not telling you the full truth.

    Hope that helps.  

  18. Well - facts are facts.

    First - he hasn't got away with a crime.

    Second - he has been released on bail

    Third - He will be prosecuted - hence he will then serve his punishment.

    So, to conclude - he has not gotten away with a crime

  19. He will be charged and will pay a price for this.

  20. That doesnt sound right. If it was his second offence he should have gotten more than just a slap on the wrist.

  21. they should give him 10 years hard labour, ban him for life,

    and make sure he gets AA help he should then be put alongside the fire crews that have to cut out the remains of people that have been killed in car crashes caused by mindless bits of sh-te like him

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