
Should he join the marines?

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My fiance is considering joining the marines. We have a 7 month old daughter so it makes me nervous. I just want to know if i should support him, & the pros and cons.




  1. Support him the marines is the way to go but understand what happens when you join the military today..Going away for a long time..but good luck Semper Fi

  2. Yes you should support him b/c it's what he wants to do and he'll regret not joining and blame you. Military life is hard but there is a lot of security that comes with it. For one he would have job security and with this economy that is a great thing to have right now. Second, medical benefits for the military is unmatched in the civilian world unless you're uber rich. Third, you'll find a support system in the military like none other. If you need something there is always somebody willing to lend a helping hand and we've made some really great friends from all over the US.

    What does he want to do in the marines? If he picks a job where he'd have to go through a little school then even after he gets out he could find a good paying job with those skills.

    My husband came out of boot camp a better person. He was more respectful, more mature and (let's face it) he can clean my house better than I can!

    You'll both have to put up with a lot of BS but I'll never regret my husband joining the marines.  

  3. It really depends on WHY he wants to join the Marines. If he's doing it because he fails at life and thinks it'll be an easy way to support his family, you're going to have a LOT of problems. He'll probably just end up being kicked out, depressed, and in the same position he's in now.

    If he wants to join to serve his country, of course support him. There will be pros and cons, but just stick it out.

    And no, it is REALLY not as dangerous as it long as he doesn't sign up for EOD. Don't let him do that.

  4. Safer to go the ARMY route.... My honest opinion because the marines ultimatley choose the job regardless what career field he chooses.... the ultimate job inside that career field is chosen by them... he may not even have a choice in the matter.... In the Army his job is garunteed before he even signs the paper work.... The paperwork and contract the army has is solid and they never go against the contract when it comes to what job you are given.... The marines have a "open contract system" as well as the other military services... it is to their needs.... The army is the only branch that garuntees the truth... I wanted Infantry I got infantry.... 11b... my best friend wanted to work behind a computer he got ADMIN... garunteed.... My other friend wanted to be a little bit more fast paced and he got Cav Scout... Im sure he doesnt want to score high on the Asvab thinking he will be given a MOS that will put his brains to use and instead gets dropped deep in the fight having a 7 month old right??? ( plus none of the marine corps equipment is up to date with ours... honestly... they recieve the stuff we dont need anymore or just simply find not efficient...) let the other people tell you im wrong all they want but if your husband decides to go marines i doubt he will be happy besides the few months of happiness in saying (hey i got through boot camp)  The whole MARINE CORPS. HAVING PRIDE THING IS BULLSHIT.... THE WHOLE THING ABOUT THEY ARE TOUGHER IS NOT TRUE IN THE LEAST... I come from a family of marines... Master Gunnery Sgt dad and three brothers that are Staff Sgt's  I am just as hardcore as they are... and to say the least the real marines who are badass dont talk ****... as well as the army... so dont believe the hype..... or those fancy commercials you see....

  5. If you are a very independent person, yes. But you have to understand, he will not always be available when you need him. You may plan for things weeks in advance and he may be called in to work, and there is nothing you can do about it. He may be deployed for months at a time and you will have to be able to cope on your own. There are times you will feel like second place.

    Don't get me wrong, there are a lot of perks too. Healthcare for your child being one of them. A steady paycheck being another. Plus, they make pretty good money. Marry him first though, it's a lot easier to get housing and everything else if you are married. Also, housing assistance. Plus, he gets paid to stay in shape and will look good in uniform.  

  6. These days being in the Marines means an overseas transfer soon after B/C, and a good chance of finding yourself in a war zone.

    You should ask yourself this, are you willing to be apart from him for that long, and for him to be apart from your child for that long?

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